Join the Technocratic Commune!

Day 901, 11:37 Published in USA Japan by Shinybluepope

Greetings Technocrats and the pre-illuminated, I bring you great news! I have just opened up our first party commune !

Why Join Our Commune?
Why Should I Leave The Private Sector?
What Do I Need To Do To Join?

We've got more commune here than you can shake a stick at!

Why Join Our Commune?

When you join our commune, you will be in the company of like minded cyborgs and humans. You will have seven days worth of food transferred to your account every Sunday, quality depending on what you need. You will receive gifts when needed. Any time the budget allows, you will receive guns.

Making and getting awesome guns is awesome. Look to above picture for proof.

Why Should I Leave The Private Sector?

Some have asked me why they should choose to work in a commune being paid minimum wage ($1.00) when they can earn more in the private sector. Beyond that, many have asked me how on earth will they survive working for so little when the private sector pays them more and they STILL have a difficult time affording goods. The commune system is designed to provide you with everything you need. We make sure you have enough food to come back everyday with a high wellness citizen. We provide you with guns, when budget allows, so that you can develop your citizen's rank. There are other benefits as well, though I rather discuss those through private messages. Cue the sexy time music.

Sexy time.

What Do I Need To Do To Join?

There are two requirements for you to join. First, you must join our party or, if your level is to low to join a party, contact me expressing that you will join our party once able to. This is an effort to draw party members together folks. Second, apply for a job at our commune ! Joining our forums could not hurt either. 😉

Come join our party! Me, Gnaeus, and some homeless guy we paid to jam with us are having a ball!

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