Join the RAF

Day 1,202, 15:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Nathan Slater

When joining the British armed forces you are faced with what appears to be a “tough choice”.

Which branch of the military to join??

Well let me make this a much simpler choice for you and suggest you join the RAF.
The Royal Air Force are by far the most active and informed branch of them all with superior knowledge on the battlefield as well as the most effective in combat. Not only do we have to support the other branches in times of war but haul them around the battlefield as well.

Because walking into battle just isn’t cool anymore

Then we come to the Navy whom believe they are the jewel in the crown of the British Military. In truth the Navy secretly envy & admire the Royal Air Force. To prove this here we have a picture of them trying to imitate a barrel roll....

But when we get down to it, we all know that the Navy are just a bunch of homosexuals just looking for a good time out in the ocean.

Jan Baykara and Woldy about to set sail

Join The RAF today