Join the IDF and ISDF. The Army of The Irish, Ran by The Irish, For The Irish. Not Victors Mock National Guard.

Day 282, 19:09 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

We are the army of the irish people ran by the irish people for the irish people. We do not pay anyone to defend this great land as we believe its everyones duty to their country to defend it if the time comes, this only helps us to keep the defense organized.

We encourage everyone to suit up with the green white and orange on their shoulder and show their unanimous support for the Provisional Government and their lack of support for Victors government and the GMT dominated (if not exclusive) National Guard. We offer a mix of people from all political perspectives and a large well organized home force.

The ISDF will not be partaking in the Romanian/Hungary war as ImaNewbie, leader of the provisional government has deemed it so.

Victor has said anyone affiliated with this organization is guilty of treason, i say Victor do your worst to us as you cant do much more to us then you already have.

Irish Defense Force (IDF)

Duties - To join your Regional Defense Unit and fill up your weapons stock in preperation for a defense should the need ever arise. Though everyone is expected to defend Ireland if attacked to be in the Regional Defense Units you must have certain requirements.


- 2.00 or higher skill level in Strength.
- Be a citizen of Ireland
- Not be affiliated with Global Money Traders in any way.

Irish Special Defense Forces (ISDF)

Duties - To first of all defend their country before all else and partake in combat with the IDF should they ever be in a conflict. To be ready at all times to heed the call of our president and partake in conflicts that he deems necessary. Meaning no commitments here and ready to take flight tomorrow.

Requirements -

-3.00 or higher skill level in Strength.
-Can NOT be a mayor or congressman as you can not leave the country.
-Have to be an active member of the irish community and have held a citizenship at some point.
-Can Not be Regional Officer.
-Can not be affiliated with Global Money Traders in any way.

Acting Commander for the ISDF - Fionn

Thank You

Minister of Defense Under The Provisional Government of Ireland.
Mayor of Limerick

Ciaran CheXavier.