Join The Forums!

Day 760, 11:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by rastari

You may or may not know but the euk has it’s own forums located here. This article is going too list the reasons why you should join said forums.


The euk has a thriving community with many helpful and friendly people freuqenting the boards, If you join the forums you can chat and become involved in discussions with the euk community and generally have a good time.So if you want to discuss euk matters and real life matters with the euk community, join the forums.

learn more about the euk and whats going on

Every time something major happens in the eworld it is likely too be posted in the forums, Most of the goings on in the euk happen in the forums. So if you want too stay clued in and become more involved in the game, Join the forums.

Advance in the military

If you want to join the forums and get free weapons and eventually get too a higher rank or join the paras where you’ll be getting higher q weapons you have too join the forums and the irc channel. So if you want free weapons and too experience the commeradatory of military life, Join the forums.

become more involved in your party/the government

All decisions of the government happen on ther forums, all laws are decided on there all discussion regarding war and other policises happen there, The presidential debates happen there, The place where parties d3ecide who they are going to run in the presidential elections and what direction the party is going to go in is on the forums. Also joining the forums will greatly increase your chance of becoming a congress member/party president. So if you want a bigger say in what goes on in government or your party, Join the forums.

Get Help

There are many helpful people in the euk forums and lots of new players guides and other things to help you if you feel lost, There is also an introduction section and another section where you can ask questions if you don’t know something, So if you need help or would like some information about how the game works then, Join the forums.


In conclusion, the euk is a great place with many varied and colourful characters and if you want to progress in this game, get involved in discusions or merely seek help then the euk forums located here is the place to be.

P.S did I mention that you should join the forums?