Join the Block Party

Day 1,532, 10:37 Published in USA USA by Tosh O'Point

Tired of the same old political routines? Do you believe that games are meant for having fun? If so, join me in the Block Party. We're all about having a good time and helping each other out.

Right now, I'm the only member, and a party of one is pretty lonely. If we can get 10 members together, I'll get together some forums so we can develop a structure for the party and a framework for communication. My short-term goal for the party is to reach the top 10 and get at least 1 member into Congress by the 25th of February. Eventually, I'd like to build the Block Party into a national force with real political influence while helping new players find their way and providing an atmosphere of fun for our members.

PM me if you have questions about the party or are interested in a leadership role.

I have had several people PM me recently to ask about the state of PointBank. It is true that I have been less active recently while settling back into the routine of the semester, but I have been logging in nearly every day and have made sure to keep my bank records up to date, including the interest payments every Wednesday and paying out Savings Bonds when they become due.

I noticed today that, despite not publishing in nearly a month, I have reached 200 subscribers recently. Whoever you are, and however you found me, thanks for helping me reach this milestone!