Join SPP-USA Wing

Day 829, 01:15 Published in Romania USA by sebamega

Why choose the ARMY? And why SPP? Before your eyes at the begining of the game, many new roads and opportunities will be opened.
Entering SPP will not only help define your personality, it will help you grow stronger, strengthen your body and spirit, allow you to fight for your country and it will also give you a better chance to explore new opportunities that are provided by the military career.
First of all every young man/woman facing a crucial moment at the begining of his e-life will need the following: free education, a solid professional training, a good and steady job, the possibility to build a good career and also a decent way of life ensured by a constant income and social security.
Some see the military as a long term career whilst others see it as a short term job followed by a civilian career where things already learnt will ensure success and help one integrate faster in any domain of activity.
No matter what you choose, the army challenges will bring you in a permanent competition with yourself and others,it will help you maintain your phisical condition and it offers you a dynamic job, both organized and competitive.
The life and professional experience you will acquire in the military cannot be found in any other domain. It's not only the challenges experienced in missions taken at home and abroad, but also the many opportunities to travel, the new places you visit, the encounter of many new cultures and the excitement when interacting with new people that gives one satisfaction but also teamwork and new bonds made on the field. All of these bring adventure and novelty in the life of every e-young man/woman eager to overcome limitations and live life to the fullest.
Where else could you find this many "pro" arguments all together? If you're still not convinced then here's another one: The Military is for YOU simply because it is ... addictive!
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