Join Camelot!

Day 528, 06:01 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Camelot Citadel
Want to Fight for Britain abroad?

Join Camelot Now!

Remember, every British person owes a duty to their homeland! Your fellow Brits are fighting even now to keep the enemy far from our borders! Join Camelot and fight for your country!

What you will get:

1. Security
2. Brotherhood
3. Skills
4. Rank
5. Weapons

What you will have to do:

1. Move to Romania
2. Join one of our companies
3. Fight against the unholy hoardes of the enemy
4. Show our enemies the wrath of Britain!
5. Show loyalty to the regiment!

Camelot is seeking recruits!

We need new members to keep our organisation strong! As a new regiment those who join now will become legends. We are the trailblazer for a whole new wave of soldiers in Britain, who will make our country strong and destroy our enemies!

Join Up Now!

Let's Make Britain Great Again!