Join Boot Camp, Third Time Lucky

Day 905, 00:34 Published in Australia Australia by Viado Celtru

Ok third time lucky. Good news is that the forums are finally working properly. Only took the registry company about 5 days to sort out.

Come sign up for Boot Camp here, you get to meet great people and you will learn a lot.

The requirements aren't hard to meet, you just need access to the eAustralian Forums and you will need to be in the Aus Citizen group. You also need to be an Aussie Citizen in game and need to be level 5 - 15.

Its real easy, so get involved. Joining Boot Camp will also allow you to join the Work for Weapons program that the Department of Industry runs in some of the government weapons companies. For more information on that, send Infin, the MoI, or Timeoin, the dMoI, a message and ask how you can get involved.