Joe's Hardtalk - Interview with MrsJHoliday

Day 927, 15:25 Published in Israel Israel by Joe Franco

Started out in the eUSA, but got lost in the masses to really get involved in the community, she moved to eCanada. There she discovered it was the same story, eCanada was also not her cup of tea.
Then lured by our own Jewyoyo, who was, and still does with great effort, promoting Israel, MrsJHoliday flew into Israel and found the community she was looking for. It was a obvious mutual click, between her and our nation.

Please welcome our guest for today, the ever charming but sometimes slightly out of control, Mrsjholiday.

Hello welcome and how are you doing lately?

> Hello Joe, I’m doing great thank you. A warm hello to everyone from Texas, USA.

You are quite well known as a woman who works silently in the background fighting for our new and young citizens, but sometimes you make a scream in public about your work for Israeli Aid for Immigrants (IAI).
Could you tell me your best moment and your worst concerning your work?

> Well Joe, I would have to say the best part thus far is actually being offered the job in the first place. Also the fact that each president has asked me to stay on and continue this work.

The worse part has been trying to get other companies to reach out to the new players and offer them jobs with a higher pay. What I mean by that, I have had some players working for the government while they have level up to good employees with a skill over 2 and more. However, I can not change their rate of pay from $1 NIS, so I have tried to either get them to find another place to work with a higher pay or get companies to offer them a job by PM them. I would prefer that the companies reach out to them, to show that they are a valued part of Israel.

Yes, understandable. Do you own any companies at all personally?

> Yes, I own 5 companies all based in Israel.

Being a business owner in Israel, and also running the IAI plus government companies, people could whisper “conflict of interest”. Buying goods for the government funded IAI, from your own companies against interesting prices?

> Interesting question Mr. Franco,….

Ohh please, just call me Joe!

> Very well Joe, as a business owner, I don’t own a grain company, so that has been no problem. However, I did start up a wood company in eUSA and have been exporting to Israel. I did this due to the fact that the government house company ran out of wood and no one was selling wood on the market. It took me 3 days to get a hold of someone to donate wood to the company and by then, a lot of new players could not work. I am actually working with the Israel Ministry of Trade to set the price in Israel so that it is a fair value. If someone was to find this a conflict of interest, then I would say to them to go spend the 45 gold to start up a wood company with license to Israel so that it is not a conflict of interest. I have done this to help Israel and spend my real money to buy the gold to make sure that we have this important material in Israel. Since I have done this wood company, there has been 2 other companies that started to sell on the market here and I have been able to keep the price below theirs.

Other then the wood company, my other companies have no influence on the government companies. I would like to see the government get rid of the Q1 food and start a gift company instead. I believe gifting the new players will be more important then getting them q1 food.

How well are government funds controlled at this point in your opinion?

> Wow, government funds. I don’t really get to see that much. If the IAI needs funds, I just ask the president and that person takes care of it. However, since being able to sell both the food and the houses on the marketplace in eUSA, the IAI has not had to ask for additional funding in over a month. It is running itself right now and not costing the citizens of Israel anything. In overall, I can hardly oversee the total government funds.

A loyal reader, referring to Internet Rule # 9; There are no real women on the internet, asked me, to ask you, if its your real picture?

> Hahahaha, yeah of course, I forgot about Internet rule #9. The photo of me is real Joe. I have been thinking of updating with a photo of me with my kids, however I am not sure that is a good idea yet. For all of you wondering out there, yes, I am married and that is the way it is going to stay. Besides, I have 4 daughters as well, don’t know how the husband deals with that, but he does.

What is your long aim or goal in this game? To be our next leader of the IDF or perhaps first woman President of Israel?

> My long term goal to this game is to stay active in mostly the economy. That is the part that most effects everyone, including the new players. It is by far the most important part I believe. I don’t want to be the president, that should belong to someone that is good at politics, I am not good in that area. I would kill someone if they gave me a hard time I think.

Talking about politics now MrsJHoliday, what is your opinion of our new generation of politicians? Don’t you think they are a bit mushy, or let’s say a bit too sticky?

> Being new in politics, I have never really paid that much attention to it, so not sure on that one Joe.

Here let me get that glass of, uhm…water for you. Tell me, rumours singing around, and let it be of the table, that you were a fan of Sadeh? Did he glamour you?

> Sadeh, let me say it this way. Right or wrong, he played the game for fun. Now that I do like. He was always good to me and honestly, I did like him for the fact that he gave great comments.

While I pour myself another drink, could you answer these short questions for me, only with a Yes or a No?

Blonds do it better: Hell no!
Tax revisions: Yes
eEgypt soon: No
war with Turkey in July: No
Blonds have more fun: hell no again---red heads are the firecrackers--boo yah

All right then, are there any other comments or statements you would like to add to this interview?

> No Joe, not really.

Well, as you know my previous guest was President Perfect Knight, except that he closely admires you, he had a question for you. Now where did I leave that piece of table coaster from McDonalds with his question. Ahhhh, here it is:

“Joe, I would like to grab this opportunity and ask mrsjholiday, as premier citizen and invaluable asset to any government, to tell us, a bit about yourself and how do you manage Erepublik?”

> PK, I hope that you got to see a bit about me in RL from this interview. I am a stay at home mom that helps her husband run a bounce house business. I manage Erepublik by just getting involved whenever I find some extra time away from the kids.

MrsJHoliday, before I shoot my last question, I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks for the interesting and inspiring interview and I'm sure I can speak for the whole nation; thank you for all your hard work with the IAI, and lets hope you will keep continuing this noble work.

Who would you liked to be interviewed next, and what would you like to ask him/her?

> Thank you as well Joe. Maelyn is actually someone I would be interested in getting to know better. I would like to know that person better is my question, in game and rl.

Don’t forget to vote and subscribe, and tune in to Joe’s HardTalk next time, when we will have Maelyn in the studio.