Job Vacancy: ERA Public Relations Manager.

Day 891, 01:47 Published in Australia Australia by ERA Party

ERA Members (and those that wish to join the eRepublik Alliance Party of Australia)

A few days ago I announced in the ERA forums that I would be resigning as PR Manager of the Party so I could concentrate on Senate and working towards the June Prime Minister Elections.

Also, like our change in Party Leader, I felt it was important to bring on some new blood to this role.

So, with no-one yet to put their hands up in the forums, I publicly declare open the role of ERA Public Relations Manager to those that (seriously) show an Interest.

The Job Description is...

ERA Public Relations Manager - Job Description

1) To manage the ERA Newsletter
Person will be required to at least once (maybe twice) a week release an ERA Newsletter
This newsletter can be in any format your wish, but should be using the ERA org account and be eye-catching.
It's important to get across the message of the ERA, it's policies and introduce it's members

2) Encouraging Newbies to join the Party
Every two week an article should be released briefly explaining the ERA and how to better participate in eAustralia
This article should be also posted in the forums and you should arrange other members to help you PM new players about joining the ERA

3) Running ads promoting the ERA
You should encourage donations from ERA Members or ERA Companies to fund ads to run on the eRepublik Game promoting ERA articles and to join ERA. This ads can use the ERA logo or something funny and eye-catching

4) ERA Press Releases
Similar to a newsletter, you'll issue a one story "Press Release" upon big news. Such as announcing who the ERA are supporting as CP for an election

5) Voting Advice
On Congress Election days, you'll post semi-regular updates on how the ER candidates are going and who needs voting support to be elected

For further information or to apply, contact me on the forums or via an eRepublik Message.

eAustralian Senator
Outgoing ERA PR Manager