jny4CP Why vote for me?

Day 2,323, 14:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TheJny123

Hello eUK its that lovely time again where people stand for election. Once again i have taken up the chance to run and in this article i shall say why. I won't spread it out over multiple articles so its easier to read and i shall make key points bold,

For home affairs i want make a push in the democracy area, afterall i am a member of the Great British Democracy Party. By this i mean i want to consult congress more as they hold the real power in government as they have to vote changes in. I will do this by regularly talking to them and how they think the month is going.
On top of that i want to consult the people more in what happens. I have felt in late there has not been much consultation of the people, correct me if im wrong. I will hold atleast 1 opinion poll on being elected and 1 half way through the month to update my policies.
I also wish to have more competitions this month and to build up the community with a CP question time where people can ask me anything they want.

I believe that MU commanders should be consulted, after all they command the fighters of eUK. So i shall set up a Military Council that will allow MU commanders to voice their concerns and organise joint strikes.
War is always somewhere on a CP manifesto so i better include it. I will try and make sure there is an eUK war somewhere.

I wont pretend i have a complete idea of what is going on here and i will need a good MoFA to help me. I dont really have any policies other than keep relations with allies strong and help them where possible.

Finish in positive and invest where possible is all i can offer here. Once again i shall be mostly guided by what we can do rather than what we want to do. If there is a good investment to be made ill make sure we do.

That is pretty much it, like i said im more of a find out what needs doing and do it than set a list before. If there is anything you think ive left out comment below and i will answer you ASAP.

So vote jny123 for CP.
Thanks for reading please vote and subscribe.