Jizzhad Declared!

Day 560, 13:56 Published in Brazil Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Thank God for the dishonorable and cowardly tactics of the Indos and their Brazilian minions! South Africa has never been so united and free to act against the enemies of freedom. People all around the e-world have finally been jarred out of their collective slumber and have finally recognized the threat to peace, liberty and stability that Indonesia and their puppets represent. Messages, comments and offers of assistance have been coming from our noble allies in the US, Spain, Canada, Croatia and the UK, while neutrals and even independent-minded citizens of Indo and Brazil also see the truth clearly and (secretly) send us intelligence and material support. Thanks to you all.

The first stage in the Liberation War is now complete. The devious Indo Empire and their weak and sniveling lapdogs from Brazil have behaved just as we thought they would and have spread themselves thin across our sacred South African land. They build and waste their money on infrastructure that will hardly be used, while they struggle to maintain control of a rebellious and restless population. Unlike Indo conquests in the past, South Africa has proven unique in that it refuses to grovel or accept puppet status as so many have done. Unlike the buzzards who flew in from Brazil, South Africa has and will never accept the spoils of someone else's (temporary) success, even if it means enriching ourselves at the expense of Indo victims. South Africa remains strong and has never compromised its honor in this War of Liberation or at any other time.

Now it is time for the next stage - PTO and Jizzhad! We could never take back our country from the tiny, poor scraps of land we were allowed to occupy before, but now, with massive bases of operations, huge influx of foreign aid, and a more determined and organized resistance force, South Africa is now in a better position to attack than ever before. Our options are many and the risks are few. The press take-over has gone better than expected, as can be witnessed in all the Brazilian spam messages and unoriginal comments. The nervous Brazzos say that we cry and whine, but I've see nothing but optimism and excitement over what is to come. It is obvious that they are expressing their own feelings, not ours, so I hope to see plenty more comments in a similar vein here. Don't expect much creativity or humor though, as those are things that the Indos apparently haven't taught them.

With the PTO going smoothly and according to plan, I now have the privilege of declaring Jizzhad on Indo and their PEACE goons. The sacred land of South Africa cries out for it. Those wretched, starving few we left behind need it. Our honor and dignity as South African patriots demand it. A Jizzhad against PEACE aggression and imperialism will be waged until PEACE nations leave those they have occupied and oppressed. All are welcome to join, whether you are neutral, former ATLANTIS, or even a PEACE citizen who is fed up with being a tool of of Indo aggression and empire. Those of you who once resisted Romanian occupation are now welcome to join South Africa and others who oppose the last vestige of imperialism in eR, that is, if you have not already been assimilated into the Indo oppression machine.

Jizzhad will touch all corners of the e-world and wherever the withered and corrupted hand of the PEACE/Indo Empire spread their infection. Take heart beleagured citizens trapped behind the bamboo curtain. The international anti-Indo/PEACE Jizzhad has begun and your Liberation will soon be at hand.

Stay well, my dear friend Deus Ex. I will be there soon to help you as you once saved poor Jizzie after the First Indo War. Start cleaning all those empty liquor bottles out of my old shed, as I will be back in SA before you know it. The Exodus is over. Jizzhad has begun! I shall return!