Jimbo4cp - Foreign Policy + Defence

Day 1,626, 11:51 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbojoy


Hello again! I’m Jimbojoy, and I'm writing this article to let you all know I'm running for Prime Minister this month, and to give you an insight into my plans for the country. As I’ve said before, we're at a pivotal moment in international affairs, a crossroads domestically and a wasteland in the community. I want to try and bring successful actions to each of these key areas and feel I'm the best candidate to do so!

This manifesto deals with Foreign Affairs and Defence and lists my tasks for the term as I see them:

1. Remove France. It’s as simple as that. We need to make it our highest priority to return our original regions from them, and to ensure that we will be able to hold onto them. This will require
keeping our relationship with ONE in a state where we have a high level of communication both ways. I am well placed to host this link, with my access to communicate with ONE’s MC Thomas765, and other members of HQ, as will be cabinet members (more later!). As we know the Allies are moving through from the east, and it is likely many nation’d ONE forces will be taking regions from our ex-best friend too. We will continue our current policy of supplying ONE troops and ofc help in MU co-ordination, asking our own MU leaders to synchronise their orders to ONE priorities, but supporting our own needs in the balance.

2. Once we have our regions back in hand from the Frog Conflict, it will be my next priority to ensure that we can ensure a long term maintenance of our resources treaty with Ireland, which is mutually beneficial for us both, as we receive a fruit bonus for free, and saves us returning to the dark days of drain wars with our Irish partners. We can be more useful to our friends and allies by fighting elsewhere, but still reaping the benefit of having Louth (fruits) without the pain and drain. To those naysayers who insist on bringing in real life sentiments of “we can’t give up Scotland or Northern Ireland”, I reply to you that this is a game. We want to do the best we can, with the best we have. We lose nothing by this deal, and we gain a 20% food bonus. Let’s focus on having improved relations instead of RL mud raking.

3. Lastly, but still a critical part of my foreign affairs policy, are the plans to enact a REAL, credible, working envoy scheme that leave everyone satisfied. MoFA workers will be granted citizenship in Poland/Serbia/Other major ONE countries (through our contacts in HQ) and “live” there. This is a step further than previous ambassador programmes, because it entails a change in citizenship – a drastic step. Envoys will be getting to know their new countries by visiting
their forums and racking up posts – actively making friends, giving their opinions and generally being good-will ambassadors for the eUK. Where this envoy scheme differs exactly is that the people we send abroad will be writing in game articles (at least 2), and will attempt to form a kind of “exchange” trip with other ONE citizens. We want to cultivate a other, new best friend countries – like we had with France and latterly Sweden, so let’s get out there and start making contacts.
Envoy’s can expect to be EXTREMELY well compensated for their time out of the country, mainly due to missing out on contributions to their true patriot medals, but would only be gone for a max of two weeks, which will still give them time to success in their missions. Apply to me as quick as you can!

Defence Policies:

A traditional national military is now obsolete. The game has changed to a MU based model, and so we have adapted partly to suit this. However, if chosen for my month I will support the full transition of this MU structure to split the duties up to increase ease of organisation and clarity on the supplies our fighters can expect to receive.

I see the Ministry of Defence as a three way job. Firstly, our national militia, the BEF. This will be commanded by a long-time military commander and recently returned to full power - super player Count Drakula. He will handle the day to day running, and take on supplying and activity duties, as well as commanding troops to priority battles. I have full confidence I his ability and knowledge!

Secondly, a MU co-ordinator fills out our next segment. I want to expand the scope of this role from its current form, to make a position where the MU liaison officer would communicate closely with ONE (and our own eUK backroom staff there), relay their priorities and message MU commanders or otherwise contact (GET ON IRC YOU CHUMPS 😃) them to try and co-ordinate damage. I fully realise that MU leaders and captains may choose to set their own orders. I completely understand that you are in control, but by co-ordinating our damage when required, we can be more effective, and win more battles, so please listen to our ONE friends! This role has a very good friend of mine, who is excellently suited marked out for it (I can’t spoil the surprise), but may be open for apps, should RL rear its ugly head! Keep checking with my announcement if you think you could fill this position.

Guns Guns Guns.....

Finally as mentioned above, supply in our IRC channel #MoD will continue as present. We will take on more suppliers to ensure distribution at peak times, and try to supply to lower strengths, if it delivers damage - 3k str for example (food could be given to support the use of free bazookas for example). However another new initiative I would like to see is greater ingame supply. This could be achieved by heavily advertising in our media that 3-5 “designated players” would hold supplies that could be distributed by ingame Personal Message. This would be for specific battles and would maximise damage for those who can’t get on IRC, or don’t want to. This is to help realise my goal of bringing as MUCH AS WE CAN from offsite forums and IRC ONTO the game for our new friends from our Baby Boom!

In addition as more of a given – than as part of my manifesto, I will support the call to arms programme and our wonderful NHS – we need schemes like these to keep our players as our lifeblood!

One more article tomorrow, where I’ll be taking a look at policy questions, cabinet spots and Appleby’s alcohol addiction.

TUP and UKPP President Candidate