Day 696, 09:51 Published in China China by JIAJUNPENG

The following contract agreement is a social binding of marriage between JIAJUNPENG and The Samurai. This contract agree is to outline their rights as a legally-bound single entity represented by two citizens.

The Samurai

-Social Bound Clause

Properties owned by each separate citizen before the ceremony are NOT to be considered "shared." Ownership remains to each of their own.

-Name Change Clause

Upon the signing of this contract agreement, The Samurai can hold the name "The Samurai" instead of "JIA Samurai" even after lawfully wedded as an e-gay-wife, but can the name "JIA Samurai" can be used in the future as his contract agreement signature.

JIAJUNPENG is to have his name unaltered as e-gay-husband.

-Ending of the Contract Agreement

In the event of a Permanent Ban, this contract agreement is to be suspended and the provisions outlined in the Name Change Clause are to be reverted back to their original statuses. Both have the duty to prevent Death of the other, but in the event that it does occur the contract agreement shall remain in active status with the surviving partner being the legal voice of both.

In the event of a consensual termination, both JIAJUNPENG and The Samurai may post "I wish to cancel this contract agreement." When both have posted this, the contract agreement is considered null and the couple shall be socially deemed "e-divorced."

-Activation Clause

To active this contract agreement and place the marriage into legal literature, the following must occur:

1. JIAJUNPENG is to post "I agree with the Contract terms" with a copy of the contract agreement.
2. The Samurai is to post "I agree with the Contract terms" with a copy of the contract agreement.
3. Every witnesses in the ceremony is to post "I observed the ceremony and declare it legal to apply to this contract agreement." with a copy of the contract agreement.

以下是 JIAJUNPENG 和 The Samurai 在 E 共和国的结婚协议

结婚协议印证了中国公民 JIAJUNPENG 和 The Samurai 在法律保护下 , 合法地在北京 , 以爱之名 , 结为男同夫妻 .

- 社会约束

经过财产公证 , 双方财产不共享 . JIAJUNPENG 要呵护 The Samurai, 用包养的标准爱护 The Samurai, 为他买房买车 , 买枪买子弹 , 买 LV 包包和 GUCCI 西装 , 端茶送水 , 嘘寒问暖 , 致死不休 .

- 更名协议

The Samurai 可以保留本名 , 但将来可以使用 JIA Samurai 做为合法签名 .


- 证书结束协议

任何一方被永久封禁 , 证书便可宣告作废 . 另一方得到对方财产的永久 继承权 .
如若离婚 , 需要双方签下 " 我要终止该协议 ", 结束婚姻状态 .

- 证书生效程序

双方签署 " 我同意此协议 " 以及 " 我愿意 , 如果爱 , 要深爱 ", 附本协议 .
参与婚姻的见证人要写下 " 我见证了这个婚礼 , 并证明婚礼合法 ", 附本协议 .
