Jewitt Demands Citizen Admin be Extradited to USA

Day 841, 22:32 Published in Singapore Bulgaria by Jewitt" width="550" height="175">
Oh yes, this is a preview of the new Report layout!

11 March, 2010, Day 841 of the New World - Following "channer" activity in South Africa, political upsets in Europe, and confusing region swapping in Asia, it seems like the world is just gearing up for another explosion.

A Demand to the Singaporean People
The following has been written by Jewitt, and is not affiliated with The Report in this publication.

Singapore, you all have been a great nation. Neutral, fun, and you guys have Liz. Who couldn't love your nation? Heck, I was even Vice President for a month (though unpopular) and like to think I made some good acquaintances during my month tenure.

But, on behalf of the citizens of the United States and seemingly the entire world, I ask, if not beg, that President Boethiah extradite the citizen account admin to the capital of the United States, Florida, so we can appropriately jail and try the citizen for crimes to be presented to the public.

Your Q5 defense system may not be enough to stop this crusade.

On these list of crimes, I present the basis of the offense's case:
1. Conspiracy to sabotage the GOLD supply of eRepublik.
2. Public misrepresentation.
3. Being involved in a scandalous affair with my secretary.
4. Tax evasion.
5. Public misrepresentation.
6. Unjustified use of Lana.

Of course, the citizen admin is innocent until proven guilty in the United States Court of Law.

So please, President Boethiah, please sign the extradition papers before the "Holy" Crusade begins and ruins your great country. You have until Day 848.

Review of Demands

Following a call for crusade, Secretary of State Bradley Reala was heard saying, "I feel that if Singapore values their nation's safety, they should hand them [the admin] over."

Seemingly, the wars in Europe and Asia were only the brush fires that would ignite this massive battle for the Lords of the eWorld.

Also, it seems President Boethiah has responded to demands with a counter offer. Jewitt was seen in the article's commentary by saying, "Boethiah, I see your terms and I shall meet with the United States Government and see if we can work out an agreement." Perhaps diplomacy is an option.

-Jewitt, Chief Editor

Sorry, no "To Do List" or anything like that. Don't want to ruin the new layout!