Japanese society and why does it dies?

Day 2,834, 03:18 Published in Japan Czech Republic by El Fap Padre

Dear friends, foes, allies and others,

During my past lives here, before my eDeaths our community was always small. But it was never poor like in nowadays.
What is the source of that problem? Can we find a root of that misery and cut it off?
All i can see in past months is this:

Sadly, this is ours newspaper section.
Boukun made funny article with facts from Japanese life and how weird it become. I believe personally that most of bushido Japanese are ashamed because of that.

In this article we can see a try from tsunami member with 90 strength to entertain us with his point of view. Sadly is that this person didn't have basic information about TRAINING WAR WITH UAE which was brought from last president, Silent Warrior to help our players to get more True Patriot points and burst our economy with fresh war.

On the end our dear transsexual friend given us 1 more useless article with underage cartooned females with enormus breasts. What can we conclude from this last one?
Simple, opposition side of our community became septic hole and all kind of perversions can be found there.
But who really is that person? Is it like it says: Old player who came back? Or maybe somebody else who decided to create new account and hide its failures behind it? Like Sinon maybe. Why i mentioned Sinon? Because it declare it self as a female and we know he is male, so now we don't know how does IT use toilet. By seating or standing. I'm 101% confused and i must take a break from thinking about it.
OR maybe it is somebody else like Captain Kidd who tried to gain Japanese CS for months. Possibilities are endless.

Not only that. Inactivity from both sides IS MAIN PROBLEM! I'm feeling like Don Khihot in this battle. In most cases opposition players are running like headless chickens.

Дакле, шта желим рећи онима који не разумеју или их мрзи да читају.

Пробудите се, помозите својој еЗемљи. Не будите шкрти, донирајте држави колико сте у могућности. МППови коштају много више него што се накупи од пореза. Лично донирах 20.000 валуте како би се ситуација поправила. Од вас не тражим ништа семда будете активни, позивате пријатеље да нам се придруже и да пробамо да ово место начинимо онаквим какво би нама одговарало а на добром смо путу да то и заиста урадимо. Фали нам мало до тог циља, а опет много. Јапан вас треба, МИ ВАС ТРЕБАМО! Пробудите се Срби, време је!