Japan is Victorious

Day 1,071, 00:57 Published in Japan Japan by exReality

We secured thirty-one seats in Congress which was more than enough to have a majority. We succeeded because of the hard work and effort put in by many citizens. Throughout the day we had many people reporting to the IRC before voting. Because of this, we were able to vote in key regions at strategic times. Thanks to your valiant efforts we did very well. This is a huge improvement from last month where the Indo-PTOs nearly secured a majority in Congress. So a thumbs-up to everyone who participated in our monthly election.

We also had help from our allies. Aliao's and Rice.cn's team were extremely beneficial during this election. With their team and our citizens voting accordingly, our combined efforts gained us many more seats. Thank you, friends!

Anyways this is a temporary victory. We must be more active and organized than we were this month in order to prevent an Indo-held majority Congress and another Indo-headed party. Also during the election, several of the multis got banned including ii konna who held the GP PP seat. Chysamere Goru is now the reigning pp of GP, which effectively ends the Indo’s possible reign of terror on the upcoming Presidential elections. On that note, I hope to see as much activity as we had during the elections, when we are governing Japan for the rest of the month. So sign up for the forums if you have not done so. Congratulations to those elected and once again a thanks to those who assisted in the ATO!

Nippon Banzai!