J'accuse! #5 :MDU, Why I did join them!:

Day 375, 05:38 Published in United Kingdom India by Tommy Tommasino

I'm sure many of you read the pretty good article from a PCP member 'MDU, Why I didn't join them!' and thought i'd give my pennies worth!

The very fact that the MDU is named in such a way, while not being a top 5 party shows that we are taken seriously by eUK, seriously by other political parties and are ready to move on and up.

Why join the MDU?

- Firstly obviously, you should agree with our manifesto. Protection of the free market, the liberty of the citizen and the independence of the nation are our three core values. Obviously these are extremely vague, so please read our manifesto to read about how we go about fulfilling these values.

- It is the perfect time to join. We are on an upwards surge, from 13 members in September to 36 currently. We aim to be a top 5 party by 2009. Join now, and you can be involved at the very heart of movement that is on the roll. We are extremely welcoming to new citizens with no previous political experience - members like Big Boy Bulley, CV James, Json are always on hand to guide and advise.

- We don't engage in negative politics. We're not going to sit here and tell you whats bad about other parties, we'll tell you whats good about us, what we hope to achieve, how we're going to achieve it. See Manifesto!.

In eUK there's going to be a party that suits you. It might be UKRP, PCP, UBP etc etc or it might be MDU - the Movement for Democratic Unity. We would simply urge that you check out/research as many parties as possible before making your mind up, and if it turns out we're the right party for you, we'll be ready to receive you with open arms.

Thanks for reading,

Tommy Tommasino,
MDU Press Liason & Membership Officer