IV Candidates and Thanks

Day 917, 07:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda

Thanks to EA and the IFP for allowing Independent Voices Candidates to run in these Congress Elections

IV as a party have been very quiet of late ,We still contribute as individuals and as congress members.
Many older Members have decided to sit back during these elections , I will try over the next 2weeks to recruit more members to the party , I intend to run ad's with links to some of Digit's original ideas for the party alongside article's from existing members explaining why they are independent voice's
For now , I ask that you Vote for the Independent Voices in our congress.

The Candidates
-Northeast ....... Ronald O'Reagan
-Northwest ........Mr. Pepper
-Southeast..........Michael Hook

To Anyone i have left out , pm me and i will include you on list , this is a list of people who pm'd me to find out where to run