IUP presidency election result and IUP president interview

Day 1,304, 23:32 Published in Ireland Ireland by loyen

Dear readers,
The IUP presidency election reesults was given:
Irasan is the our new PP! I would like to congratulate him for the post.
I have interviewed Irasan last night to discussed his new job:

Loyen: Before the election, were you confident of winning?
Irasan: Yes, I was fairly confident of winning

Lo: Why?
Ir: Mainly because I seem to be a likable chap that everything can't bring themselves to hate potentially excluding the British.

Lo: What is the first thing you are going to do as the IUP pesident?
Ir: The first thing I will do is attempt to get the party back on its feet. Due to OJ resigning near the end of his reign over the party, I believe a British PTO'er changed everything about the party including name, description etc. so I will work on getting that sorted.

Lo: Who are you going to nominate for the congress election?
Ir: For congress elections I am going to nominate myself as I am a greedy person and I like the gold it gets me. If you meant presidential elections I am not sure, depends on who volunteers for the job.

Lo: How do you choose how to nominate?
Ir: I will choose them through a process of getting the parties opinions on them and who they believe should run for our party and who I believe to be the most competent for the job.

Lo: An impeachment law was passed no against you a few days ago, How would you feel/ what would you do if it as passed yes?
Ir: If an impeachment law was passed I would feel happy, I could sleep in for once instead of waking up at 6am pretty much every morning. I would give the president who followed me as much support as I could give.

I will thank Irasan to have answered all my questions and thank you, readers, to read this, Thanks