IUP Newsletter 16/11/08 Party Election Coverage

Day 362, 03:16 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow
Irish Union Party

Igor Thunderbrow 20
Theus Jackus 14

Member Turnout:34/66 52%

Fianna Fáil

Niamh82 21
Christophe Yakovsky 1
Blackxs 1

Member Turnout:23/33 70%

Ireland First

Michael Collins 20

20/109 18%

Irish Anarchist Party

Mulligan 7

Member Turnout:7/16 44%

Irish Freedom Party

5n4keyes 5

Member Turnout:5/23 22%

Ireland Reborn

Atraxerxes 3

Member Turnout:3/27 11%


The Irish Union Party continues to display signs of its being the party with the largest active member base. It was the only party to have any real competition for leadership and had a higher member turnout of 34, than any other party.

Fianna Fáil shows yet more signs of its growth having the second highest number of members turn out for voting yesterday, 24. After recently becoming the largest congressional party, Fianna Fáil looks like it is really going somewhere.

Ireland First, the leviathan of eIrish Politics seems to be fading away. Despite having a member base of over 100 dwarfing any other party (Irish Union Party are closest with only 66!!) Less than 20% of party members turned up to vote yesterday.

The Irish Anarchist Party, soon to be the Irish Socialist Republican Party, now sees Mulligan returned to leadership. Not only that but the relatively high voter turnout for the party suggests an interest in them that had disappeared for a while. They look set to overtake Ireland Reborn and the Irish Freedom Party as the fourth party in eIrish Politics and for a return to the congressional table.

The Irish Freedom Party had a poor voter turnout of only 5 members. Despite regaining the presidency, quite convincingly, the party itself has seen only decline in recent weeks.

Now here is a turn for the books. The party that were eIreland's hostile takeover kings ,Ireland reborn, have just been taken over by ex Irish Freedom Party congressman Artaxerxes. Should be interesting to see what he will do with the party that everybody loved to hate. This surely has put the final nail in Victor Petrescu's political coffin.

Go raibh míle maoth agaibh
Igor Thunderbrow