Its that time of the month again... VOTING TIME!!

Day 667, 09:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Lemuel Gengulfus

Hello folks!

Yes, its that time of the month again when the Moon is in Uranus and the ecitizens of the eUK get a bit grumpy... ITS CONGRESSIONAL VOTING TIME!

I know, I know, it comes around quicker than a student offered a free dinner the week before the student loan is due.

Nevertheless, I would still like your vote as the OFFICIAL BRITISH EMPIRE CANDIDATE FOR LONDON.

The BEP may not, now, be one of the newest parties (for instance what the feck is the SI Interactive Party?!) but we are still growing fast and have a new vibrant leader in Sir Terry the Great. Like Tony Blair, I suspect he will lead us forward to many an election victory with policies such as these:> Sir Terry the Great's Official BEP Policy Release

More importantly I have been an okay congressman so far. Hopefully a few of you reading this will have happy experiences of working for me in my LGmobile companies. In the course of my personal mission to encourage and mentor new players, some of you may have received personal emails from me warning about the trap set by UKNP and it's sub-companies. Others may have seen the adverts I ran to warn of these scams.

Secondly this week I have proposed and (as things currently stand...) have had accepted, a proposal to cut the VAT on weapons down to 7%. This will make guns cheaper for the public, giving you more bang for your buck! I have also voted in favour of the proposal to cut VAT on Food down to 1%. The eUK is fairly unique in having had a 10% VAT rate across all products. Our nearest competitor nations in terms of population size have much lower VAT rates (usually a flat 5% on all products such as Greece, Poland, France, Spain). I can only assume that the more established elements of the eUK Government have long enjoyed the high tax revenues this has brought in, without passing the benefits back to you the people. This is wrong and symptomatic of the elitist nature of some within the eUK Government. The BEP is committed to reversing this attitude and the policies it had resulted in.

Additionally I am also the London Regional Council's Welcomes Councillor, looking after new citizens, introducing them to the forums and I hope that I can perform the important function of representing London's interests in both areas.

Finally I continue to campaign for better monitoring and governance of the 0-0.99 skill employment market and hope that I may be allowed to continue to lobby for an official mentoring programme in place.

Thank you for your time and please PM me if you have any requests or questions.
