Its been a while

Day 1,192, 18:50 Published in USA USA by eliwood_sain

I don't write a lot, mostly because stuff's been beat to death, but I feel this one is a very important issue. This is also a VERY LONG article.

I've been in Congress 12 times, and all of those times, I MMed my states, usually using AndraX2000's tool. The nice thing is that it saves time by making it so that the subject and body were pre-filled in. I don't know how effective it was, but it was nice.

Before I was in Congress, I was in the old Federalist Outreach Program, where we sent out DAILY messages. I know I used the tool then as well. I know I'm not the only one.

Now, hearsay has it that the admins made some changes (I never get told about them, so...) regarding the PM system, mostly notably that non-friend Mass Messaging got canned. I should have seen something like this coming, but I didn't. It doesn't affect me personally, as I don't do a TON of PMs, but I do a few every so often and they are usually en masse.

Admins of eRepublik, I am TIRED of all of you game modifications that are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what we desire as players. If you all wonder why games like RuneScape and the like do so well, its because their fan bases enjoy the changes they make. Some of the content is even player-created or inspired. I have been playing this game for almost 25 months, or about 100 in-game years. Many of the features of this game are inspired by other websites, I would assume (see citizen feeds). How about we take a tip from Microsoft Word called "Mail Merge"?

What is Mail Merge, you might ask? Word allows you to make a generic letter w/ the ability to put in slots for different details from a database of information that you create, and it will automatically fill in the slots for you. I could write out a letter with the names and address slots in, and it would create EACH letter distinct so that it didn't look mail merged.

Or, how about we take a tip from e-mail? E-mails were made so that you could send out a single message to one person or one message to HUNDREDS of people.

Communication in this game is declining steadily. Admins, you remove citizen ads, and you make it so that we have an EVEN HARDER time messaging people in states to campaign. Explain to us, the players, why you would make these changes that we did not ask for, nor anywhere near see crucial, especially the day before elections? I never wanted to rely on my platform alone for my campaign. Even candidates in the real world have more than a single press release. They send out letters and make phone calls. If your efforts are to make this as unrealistic as possible, then nice. Otherwise, I'd reconsider your corporate strategy.