Its Almost That Time of the Month Again

Day 777, 19:49 Published in USA USA by Bull Moose Newspaper

No not that time of the month…it’s almost time for party elections.

With elections for the party president drawing near, it is becoming ever more important to become involved. The BMP, a party that prides itself on being comprised of highly active and highly dedicated citizens, needs you to get involved in its success. With a new party president, an entirely new cabinet will be appointed – one that will hopefully have you in it.

If you are interested in taking up a secretarial position, it is your responsibility to contact the candidate and discuss your possible appointment. With a good portion of the last cabinetry only taking upon themselves the bare necessities of the party that were required of them, we need members who want to make the BMP successful to Step up and take up the mantle. We cannot allow ourselves to fall victim to such mismanagement anymore if we truly wish to make that “claim to fame” that we have been.

Since the last Bull Moose Bulletin, party membership has continued to increase putting our current numbers at 65. This membership is well within our original target range, but we must remember that all of our members must remain active.

From day one of the Bull Moose Party’s existence, we have prided ourselves on having a tight-knit community that is based around both RL and in-game connections. As of right now, however, that sense of community is beginning to disintegrate. Out of a total membership of 65, only a small fraction of those members are regularly on our IRC Channel (channel name: #BMP). This is utterly unacceptable.

If you have not already registered, it is highly encouraged that you join the BMP’s forum. The BMP will not, and cannot, be successful if its members do not contribute to its success. In order to do so, you must be able to communicate your thoughts to other party members, and what better way to do that than by posting your ideas on the forum.

POTUS Elections
In today’s election for the next President of the eUS, the Bull Moose Party would like to endorse Woxan. If you have not voted, we would suggest that you do so and remember to vote for Woxan.

Side notes
As a candidate, and indeed the only candidate, for the party president I am requesting that anyone who wishes to acquire or maintain a cabinet position send me a private message that will function as a sort of résumé. I ask that you name the position that you wish to be appointed to, provide me with a list of a relevant accomplishment’s in eRepublik, and that you write a prompt statement (5 sentences or so should do) that explains why you wish to have a cabinet position and why you believe you will be an effective party officer.

Within the next few days, my platform for party president will be available from my newspaper. I suggest that you subscribe to it as well, seeing as how I will be writing many articles that you may find intriguing.

For the Republik,
-Alexander C Kraynor
Secretary of Communications, BMP