Its all About the Benjamins

Day 393, 17:06 Published in Thailand Thailand by Guy Kilmore

If we look at all the interested parties in Thailand, I think we can all agree on one thing. We want an influential country that can affect the world stage. We want to be worthwhile to the larger alliances like PEACE and ATLANTIS in more than just the position of our land in the world. Yet, we still face some significant obstacles to reach that point, such as increasing our workforce, stabilizing our currency, stabilizing our wages and stabilizing our production; to put it succinctly stabalizing our economy.

Our economy is going through growing pains. When we were smaller some of the oddities were things that we did not have to concern ourselves with, now with the implementation of V1 and with some growth, these issues are becoming more pressing. These issues are being felt by every citizen.

I am glad that our dialogue is such in this country that people are taking the time to advocate a position. That they are discussing directions we should go. I have seen ideas from no taxes, no governmental influence, to high taxes and government owned companies; I have seen ideas encompassing everything in between.

I have also noticed an issue with our discourse. No one has taken the effort to put up a concerted plan or strategy for our economy. I think our dialogue is both active and spirited. I would like to also say that it is intelligent (except when Jack drinks hard liquor). Yet, our dialogue is very good at deconstructing ideas and not necessarily about how to put an idea in action (I am as guilty of this as the next citizen). I think this can intimidate some people and they don’t put their ideas out there for fear that they are not fully fleshed or unable to with stand the active deconstruction that goes on.

I would like to flesh out some of ideas and look at practical ways of putting them into action. I purpose that citizens interested in the stability of Thailand propose what they see as the economical challenges and what solutions can be enacted. (I hope that those interested in congress or the presidential seat present their ideas or philosophy on how they see the role of government and its influence on economics.) I also purpose that the discussion takes the following format:

1). Provide some steps that you feel are practical to enact this change
2). While positive feed back, such as saying good “idea”, is nice, please state why it is a good idea
3). If you deconstruct an idea, reconstruct it, don’t leave it at criticism alone, but present what you would do.

I hope that we will be able to develop some pretty coherent plans and be able to move forward on a more direct and constructive action. (I am in no way implying that their have been no actions, but they have been all in their own directions and lack some kind of unity.) I will purpose my own ideas later, as I don’t want this to turn into an article about why Guy is right or wrong. I will also ad that if this article catches on, I will provide summaries in hopes to keep it running.