Italy, I am sorry...

Day 614, 11:28 Published in Italy Hungary by Quicksilver

I am apologising for two reasons.

First of all, it cannot be denied that yesterday we failed to prevent the agressive Croatian TO of Italy. We, in PEACE are dedicated to defend member states from hostile TO-s and yesterday it was not successful.

There were many reasons, but not the ones that American, Croatian or other propaganda tells you; we did want to help. And we did send help. Quite a lot. But we cannot fight a TO if a number of regions have ONLY TO-ist candidates! We do know it was due to a bug, but bugs can be reported and fixed in time. We could not help that so many Croatian candidates were against so few Italians that even from the wildcard places they were impossible to oust. And finally, yes we were guilty of switching from Canada too late.

But also you should point an accusing finger to Theocracy as well. They did succumb to Atlantis propaganda, they did TO Italy, they did fracture Italian politics and demoralized many of your players, who left for other countries, or the game itself - leaving you wide open to a TO, and not helping out either.

And the other thing I must absolutely apologise to you, is the behaviour of our MoFa, Mikrobi. What he said is inexcusable, both as a diplomat and as a human being. I, as a simple Hungarian citizen (as I hold absolutely no office) do apologize for his words, and fervently hope that you will not judge us all for them.

I am sorry, i do not speak Italian, so I cannot translate this article. If anyone can help me, I would gladly complete this article with that.

I am as always, completely honest and write what I really think and feel. I never wrote my paper otherwise. Most of you know me for that. I do not make a joke or ridicule, or whatnot. I mean it, every word.

For the Hungarian readers:
A cikkben elnézést kérek az olaszoktól amiért a PEACE és mi nem tudtunk eléggé segíteni nekik, hogy kivédjük a horvát TO-t. Leírom, hogy több oka is volt, pl. a bugok amik miatt jópár régióban csak horvát jelöltek maradtak, meg hogy a teokraták már régebb óta elkezdték szétverni az olasz belpolitikai életet, és az atlantisz propagandáját terjeszteni, ami miatt meggyengültek és sok játékosuk el is hagyta az országot és a játékot is. Valamint a végén elnézést kérek Mikrobi otromba beszólásáért, amiben gyengének hívja őket és hogy megérdemelték a TO-t - ilyent felelős diplomata egyszerűen nem mondhat ki még akkor sem ha igaznak érzi. Teszem ezt persze magánemberként hiszen csak az vagyok - ez nem kormány álláspont csak amit én érzek, gondolok.

