It was self defense...

Day 1,511, 08:10 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Today we have a story in which our president, Oblige is included too. Enjoy...So admins don't yank my article for nothing.

Page 1: Story
Page 2: Extras

It was self defense!

"I killed him!!! I killed him!"
- A young woman was screaming.
"Don't worry honey, it's not your fault!"
- Her husband was trying to comfort her."
"Of course it's mine! I became a killerrrrr!"
- She said those words in a big pain and the young women was crying and her tears were sliding down her beautiful, innconect face until they droped in the big puddle of blood.
She was standing above the dead man and her blue dress was covered in blood. She was holding a knife in her right hand and she was shaking while her husband was calling 911.
Soon the paramedics arrived and started checking the pulse on the man that was lying on the floor. But it
was too late, he was already dead. The man was a handsome man in his mid thirties, he had a short black hair, blue eyes and he looked like he was rich. He was wearing a gold Rolex watch, designer shoes and a tuxedo that was covered in blood. A lot of people gathered up in the room and soon the police arrived. They arrested the young woman and started questioning the people that were there. But nobody heard or saw anything, even her husband, he arrived after the man was killed. They brought the young women into the police station and started questioning her. First she refused to answer any question but after 3 hours of questioning she shanpped and started yelling:

"I didn't kill him, it was a self defence! That bastard was trying to rape me, I'm glad he's dead!"
But the police officers didn't had any evidence that he attacked her, so she was facing a possible execution. The man that was killed was the minister of economy. The women was still questioned by the police, but she still was holding to her story that she killed him in self defence. Then her lawyer came, and the attorney. She was offered a deal, life sentance in exchange of her addmiting the murder. She sai😛
"No! I'm innocent". After of another hour of convincing her to except the deal, because if she went to court she had no chance and could face an execution. Suddenly everybody gone quiet and they couldn't believe their eyes.

They couldn't believe who was standing on the door. It was the President of United States of America, Oblige. Oblige said loud and clear: "I want her to be executed!". The president and the attorneys went into the other room and started discussing, the attorney sai😛
"But mr. President, she is so young, she is only 22. We can't execute her.", the president replie😛 "The man who is lying in the morgue, was like a brother of mine! He was also young. Do you know who is he? No, no a better question, Do you know who am I?Do you want to become a traffic officer?" the attorney replie😛 "No, sir.", Oblige sai😛 "If you don't, then you will go and sentence her to death. Did you heard me?". The attorney sadly replie😛 "As you wish, sir".
He went into the interrogation room and sai😛
"The deal's off. There will be a trial."

The coroner arrived and said who will identify the man?
Oblige sai😛 "I will."
The minister's sister sai😛 "But he is my brother".
Oblige: "Probably from another mother."
Oblige started walking towards the morgue and there was secret service everywhere. So he entered the
room and there was the man laying naked on that table, the autopsy has already been done.

And the coroner sai😛 "The cause of dead was the wound that was caused by a letter oppener". Oblige took a look at that man and sai😛 "This is not the minister."
Coroner: "What?!"
Oblige: "No, no the minister had a scar on his butt, this is definitely not him!"
Coroner: "How do you know that he had a scar on his butt, were you two together? Not that I'm against
homosexuality, I'm just curious."
Oblige: "That is not a way to speak to the president, punk! How can you even say something like that? I'm the president of United States of America for god's sake! I and that man fought bravely arm to arm
with him in many wars. During one battle he was shot in his ass. I'm the one who saved his life. How can you be so disrespectful?".

Coroner: "I'm sorry mister President, I didn't'm very very sorry."
Oblige: "Shut the fuck up before I slitt your throat."
Secret service agent: "Sir, fuck slitting his throat! Cut this bitch's head off."
Oblige: "Later, I got to find out who is this man, laying on the table and he looks exactly like the minister."


I'm sorry if there were any grammar/spelling mistakes I was too damn lazy to repair all of them.


Read the next chapter of this story in my next article. I want comments and about this story!

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