It`s war, that`s obvious, but what is going on?

Day 679, 14:51 Published in Norway Norway by Anders.

UK and Russia are attacking Norway, some regions are already Russian. Finland is attacking one of the region and Sweden the other.

What have the Norwegian leaders decided, I cannot see any official news from the Congress. One region is on its way to become Finish and one to become Swedish, and we are defending one region valiantly against UK.

Now Norway still have 3 regions left, could it be an idea to move all our citizen to Sorlandet where we have q5 hospital and try to defend that region.

Or have you (the leaders) given all the regions away to other “friendly” countries

Can we please have some official news.

Det er sikkert mange som meg, villig til kamp, men det ser ut som om vi mangler en samlende order, iallefall utad til folket.

Skal vi miste landet vårt så bør vi vite om det og hvorfor det er en god ide