It's over(E gata)

Day 179, 03:27 Published in Romania Republic of Moldova by Athena the Goddess

The war is over, All women and children run to embrace their fathers and husbands returning from the battlefield. Romania won! With the help of brave soldiers and keen ambition, the conquering war is over. Hip Hip hurray! in every home is a romanian flag and a lighted candle, the last territories were annexed, everyone shout. Romania Romania, victory to Romania. Although Ucrania is no longer the citizen will lead a better life under our ruleship. Praise the leaders and soldiers praise the democracy and good life!

E o poveste dedicata tuturor ce au luptat in acest sangeros razboi, pentru ca tara sa fie victorioasa. Va multumesc si le multumesc tuturor pentru ajutor si pentru curaj. Vivat Romania vivat democratio