It's No Use Pretending I'm Not Biased, So I Won't

Day 682, 12:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Edana Savage

Boy, I was a ray of sunshine when I wrote my last article wasn't I? I just want you all to know that in RL I managed to make what seemed impossible, possible. Now that I've managed to do that, I have taken a mental health day and have chosen to spend it with you all! Don't you feel special?

You should! 😉

Well, it is election time again. The last time was my first presidential election ever. Two candidates had come to the forefront and I wrote an unbiased article about the merits of each candidate. Both presented themselves well and there was little to no mudslinging. A very nice election. Now the aftermath of all that was quite another story, now the stuff of legend. We call it the "Ten Minute Coup". Maybe Digits will tell you that story someday in his paper documenting the history of eIreland. Highly entertaining and I recommend you read it when you get a chance.

This election we have four candidates listed. President Patton, Donovan Thomas, 5n4keyes, and Paidraig Pearse. I won't be doing an unbiased article this time. Simply because I am not unbiased in the least. Patton is my current boss and Donnovan is my mentor and friend. So right away you know I'm biased. It's no use pretending I'm not, so I won't.

President Patton has done a great job for eIreland. I am eternally grateful to him for giving me the opportunity to shape young eCitizens. I know together along with my fellow Ministers, we have made a huge difference in how many new citizens are retained. It has been a very satisfying experience and one I wouldn't mind continuing for another month. If he is elected again, I would be happy with that, because I know he has Irelands best interests at heart. That I can assure you.

I also already know who I'm voting for. And while I have a tremendous respect for my boss, I will be voting for Donovan Thomas. My vote has to go somewhere and that's where it is going. So you could say that this is my formal endorsement for Donovan.

You will not find anyone more dedicated, passionate, and determined than Donovan Thomas. He is a dedicated soldier, a skilled diplomate, a savvy business owner, and a compassionate advocate for our most vulnerable citizens. His commitment to transparency and strong ethical values sets him a cut above the rest. He recognizes the need to bring Ireland to the world stage in a responsible and proactive manner. Everything that he undertakes is done with thoroughness and great detail. There is very little in Ireland that he hasn't left with an indellible impression whether it is military, economic, political, or actions that affect the day to day lives of citizens.

Independent, Trustworthy, Dedicated, Courageous, and so much more. That is why I am voting for him. I sincerely hope you do too.

Until next time.

Edana Savage
Minister of New Citizens
Congresswoman for Cork and Kerry