It's All Fun and Games, Until Romania Loses An Empire

Day 534, 17:45 Published in USA USA by Alex Lawrence
By Alex Lawrence

Note: Because it took so long to accurately research and give the rundown on every minor event in the world every day, I am going to just provide commentary and/or cover a few major events from now on on an erratic basis. College does that to you :/

Update: Well we got into the top 5 in the US, a first for my paper. Thanks to all the readers for their votes, subs and comments!

Main Article

For the past month or so, the United States has been partaking in war games with Mexico and, as of a few days ago, Ireland. These have helped the United States in a number of ways, increasing production, training the lower ranks of our military, and strengthening relations with our war game partners. But is this what the United States should be focusing on?

NO. The United States has the largest population in the game, and yet it is not involved in ONE (1) real war. As a matter of fact, it never has been really. Canada was a joke, France was half-hearted, Portugal was poorly planned, and Mexico was a complete disaster. In the meantime, Romania, a country that IRL is hardly of much note (no offense to my Romanian readers), has an empire the size of Alexander the Great's. See something wrong here?

The United States could be completely dominating if its leaders had any real stomach and smarts for waging a war. Why would you attack Canada, a friend, or Mexico, which has no resources or people in it? France is hardly anything to go to war over, and Portugal is Spain's problem. America needs to go overseas.

Russia is the prime target. They have been on their heels ever since their country was created, and if the United States invaded, we would be at the doorstep of Asia (as well as having high diamond resources). Our hordes of relatively weak soldiers could crush any 1337 squads sent in to protect sickly Russia or the puppet state of China. MPPs would be a factor, but if America's leaders coordinate things effectively we could get around those obstacles.

Why should America get involved in war? What's wrong with war games, you may ask.

First off, nothing REAL is gained. The U.S. and her allies don't gain new territories, only battle experience. It's like playing cops and robbers with your friends, ignoring the real robbers out there.

Indonesia hasn't gone to her allies looking for battle buddies, she's conquered Asia and moving West, as far west as South Africa. Neither has Romania, who is currently fighting a 5v1 fight and losing as of late.

This brings me to the topic of Romania, and Romania's relationship with the United States. Romania, like Indonesia, has done many bad things in the past (TOs, bug exploitation, etc), but they are our ally. Romania has also helped many nations in the past (including the most recent TO attempt on South Africa), so they are not all bad.

The reason why Romania is struggling now is because she is all alone. Romania has absolutely no help, and is still able to hold her own with some finesse. Imagine if the United States came to help, to divert Russian and Chinese forces away from the Romanian front, letting Romania push back against her other foes. This would essentially divide the world up between US and Romanian armies.

The fear with this scenario is then: what if Romania continues expanding? What happens when Indonesia and Hungary fall? Such fears are silly.

The entire world would unite against Romania. Not even the mighty Romanians could defeat the now friendly Indonesian tanks (who would fight against Romania from other countries) along with the rest of ATLANTIS. But I digress.

What we need to be afraid of is the current moment. Of the possibility of Romania falling, the only dam that is holding back the PEACE tide from flooding into the rest of the world. The United States needs to get over its fear of losing a war and start getting its boots dirty.

Scrabman, get the United States out of the sandbox and into the dust storm. There might not be much left outside the sandbox if you just continue sitting there, making imaginary castles with the Irish...