It is Real Simple

Day 988, 11:03 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

By now you should know about the effort being put forth to help Croatia fight off a Political Take Over by Phoenix.

Political Warfare is not sexy. But it is IMPORTANT.

With little more then a vote, a country can fall to the enemy, often times in a manner that might takes months for it to recover from. Think of a PTO as the government of a country falling to corrupt individuals who care nothing for the people of the country and will only seek to steal what they can from the coffers and destroy what is left.

By joining the ATO effort, you are saying "NO" to Phoenix.

In political warfare, your vote is as powerful as anyone else in the game. It is critical that we get as many votes together as possible.

Not sure what to do? Contact us and we will help you the mechanics of voting and will supply you with moving tickets to get to Croatia and Back or go to #ato on Rizon IRC.

We can Stop Phoenix from PTO'ing our friends.

All it takes is you.

Contact us

Don't let Serbia put Croatia in the their sacred toilet

In compliance with law Number 16.3. Let's send Servia to their sacred toilet.

Support Croatia

Vote Fabius