Issue Four (8/29)

Day 1,378, 22:46 Published in USA USA by Michael Raab
The Washington Herald
Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America
Day 1,378 (August 29, 2011)

Table of Contents:
Introduction Article: Upcoming Elections
Who's running?
Main Article: Pierce Vaughn😛izza the Hut=Ajay Bruno
I reveal many things that point to the "Multi" Theory
Sports: College Football Power Rankings
See my Top 25 Teams
Concluding Article: America the Beautiful
A bit of an intro to an upcoming Special Issue

Introduction Article: Upcoming Elections
By: Michael Raab

The Presidential Elections are in a few days and the best type of voter is an informed voter. I am not going to say who I think should be elected and I am not going to say who I will vote for. All that I will say is that after reading articles about the candidates, I feel as if I know who I want to vote for. That is what I would like to tell everyone out there. Read a few articles, get a bit of perspective before you vote. The last thing that you want to do is elect a total moron to President.

Main Article: Pierce Vaughn😛izza the Hut=Ajay Bruno
By: Michael Raab

In a prior Gnilraps article, Gnilraps interviewed Pierce Vaughn, the Congressman who accepted the citizenship application of Pizza the Hut. I have a few odd similarities that may be just coincidence (it's not) but they seem like a bit more.

1. Responses to being questioned

In the Gnilraps article, Pierce Vaughn was grilled by Gnilraps in a series of questions that are Gnilraps-esque. The answers by Mr. Vaughn are not too similar to Pizza the Hut (profile), but are very similar to early interviews by the original Ajay Bruno. Both of which are somewhat vague, yet do not call much attention. This type of style was perfected by Ajay Bruno before he began his Campaign of Terror that ultimately ended in him being Permanently Banned.

2. Choice in Refuge

After being somewhat disgraced, Mr. Vaughn left the good ol' USA and went to South Africa. When the original Ajay Bruno was basically run out of the USA, he went to none other than South Africa. It seems as if Mr. Bruno is using some old tricks to try and throw people off his trail and ultimately destroy the USA (his master villain plan).

3. Covering his Tracks

Once again, original Ajay is trying to be tricky. Mr. Vaughn is in South Africa, great. But his newspaper is blank... why? Because is goal is complete. Pierce Vaughn is like a shelf company. A shelf company is a company that is totally legitimate. It has employees, bank accounts, everything. It will be called upon by its parent company to do a job (ex. Money Laundering). Once the job is complete, the company will be sold, unravelled, and the parent company will make another one. Pierce Vaughn is an alias, he is Ajay Bruno. It makes you wonder if everyone in the eRepublikan Party (not The eRepublican Party) is actually Ajay. There is not way that there are that many stupid people that would follow him, it makes no sense. We need to watch out folks, because someone on your friends list, could be Ajay Bruno.

Sports: College Football Power Rankings
By: Michael Raab

I'll get straight to it...

1. Oklahoma
2. Alabama
3. LSU
4. Oregon
5. Stanford
6. Boise State
7. Texas A&M
8. Florida State
9. Oklahoma State
10. Arkansas
11. South Carolina
12. Wisconsin
13. Nebraska
14. Notre Dame
15. TCU
16. Virginia Tech
17. Michigan State
18. Ohio State
19. Georgia
20. Texas
21. West Virginia
22. Arizona State
23. Mississippi State
24. Missouri
25. USC

Concluding Article: America the Beautiful
By: Michael Raab

I'm going to keep this short. I am writing a special 9/11 tribute calledAmerica the Beautiful which will be released on September 11, 2011 on the 10th anniversary of the tragedy which resulted in an article by the World Press Review titled We are all Americans Today. I will dedicate my Labor Day weekend to work on this special issue, my goal... 10+ pages on Microsoft Word (single spaced). Remember 9/11/01, Remember the victims, remember to read on 9/11/11.