Issue 6:- Political Coups in eRepublik.

Day 457, 00:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Offa

All these recent coups reminded me of a joke made about the President of Pakistan (you know the guy that married into the presidency)

eh you say, well after the death of his wife he became president of pakistan and you thought the USA had problems under bush.

Just imagine Sarah Palin divorces her current husband and marries Asif Zardari.

Palin becomes Vice President of USA.

Then Zardari kills Palin, changes the Will which henceforth says, ‘Zardari will become the President of USA if I die.’

And eventually Zardari becomes President of USA six months after McCain dies in a freak helicoptor accident, when Palin dies.

And Bilawal Zardari son of the late Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto & Asif Zardari changes his name to Bilawal Bhuuto Palin-Zardari.”

Then US Will Become part of Pakistan,

Well actually USA will get Zardari as its president and there was much joking in Pakistan, drat so much for my anti-Pakistani joke.

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