Issue #3

Day 357, 06:32 Published in USA Japan by Propaganda Now

Well, it's a bit late - IRL issues ended up complicating things, thus this "late edition" of 'Propaganda NOW!'. Even so, we think you'll enjoy what we've got for you this time around.

CLICK HERE for Issue #3!

Articles in this issue:
- Ben Dover, America
- The Battle for Java (a machinima video presentation!)
- Resource Shortage or Mythical Resurgence

Don't forget that we want to know what YOU, the reader, want to see in Propaganda NOW! If you have ideas, suggestions, or would like to get your organization some "priority content" published in the next edition, PM us here on Erepublik or send an e-mail to

Also, Propaganda NOW! is looking for artists willing to do illustrations, cover art, advertisements, and propaganda posters. If you're even remotely interested, let us know!