Issue 3:- The Governor of the Donkeys

Day 454, 00:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Offa

In the spirit of party / presidental elections - NOT AIMED AT ANY PARTY LEADER

The padishah wanted to humilate the Hoja. So one day he called him to the palace and, in front of all the ministers, he assumed a very solemn air and proclaimed, "Today I make a great announcement. I hereby confer on Nasreddin the title of governor of all the donkeys in the town!"
The ministers began to laugh. The Hoja arose, made an elaborate bow, then with the gr3eatest indifference passed in front of the padishah and went to sit on the canopy of the throne above the padishah.
"What impudence!" yelled the padishah. "How do you dare to sit highter than I? Come down from there at once!"
Most regally, the Hoja raised his hands for calm. Then he said to the padishah and the ministers, "Whoa, there! Silence! A little respect! Am I or am I not your governor?!"

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