Issue #3 - Day 1574 - Serbian Party Elections, Albania liberates its coast

Day 1,574, 07:50 Published in Albania China by Lorik Rexhepi

Serbian Party Elections - March 2012

Day 1573
Time has passed since the eHajducia party was elected with 40% of votes to lead Serbia, one of the biggest countries in the New World. The party elections are going to held on March the 15th, three days from now and there have already been numerous discussions and debates regarding the new presidency of the certain parties. eHajducia the party with the president alone have 14 candidates including the favorite, the president dorks. The biggest party in Serbia, "Stanka Zdravog Razuma" have 51 candidates for the leadership of the party. Experts say that these elections will be decisive on the outcome of the next presidential elections which happen in 23 days.

Albania liberates their land

On the day of 1573, Albanian forces unite to face a somewhat weakened Macedonian side. Our sources say that Macedonians on the Albanian Coast revolted against their leadership and were negligent on the attacks of the Albanian Army which happened in the night of 1572 and morning of 1573. Other sources say that there might be problems between the bonded alliance of Serbia and Macedonia. Albania got what they aimed for, their coast and can soon start to strengthen their lines for a possible retrieval of their lost lands.

Ongoing battle in Calabria, Italy

After losing Apulia to the Resistance Force of Italy, the Macedonian army aimed for a strategic spot near the city of Palermo, Calabria. It has been known to be a quite resourceful island with fish, and a potential gateway to the center of Italy. The battle of Apulia was lost in quite a quick time due to the fast response of the Italian army. Our reporters are currently in Calabria only to witness a brutal fight by both of the countries.
On another note, Italy has listed Macedonia as a Natural Enemy, which will only tell us that this is the start of a potentially chaotic war. In what ways will this damage the Italian and Macedonian economy, we're only left to see.

Lorik Rexhepi

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