Issue 29: Österreich Journal; Shadow Government

Day 850, 16:45 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Thomas765

English: Issue 29 - Friday - 19th March 2010 - Day 850
Deutsch: Ausgabe 29 -Freitag - 19. März 2010 - Tag 850
Français: Édition 29 - Vendredi - 19. mars 2010 - Jour 850

Osterreich Journal would like to thank you for subscribing to our newspaper, we now have over 40 subscribers which isn't really bad considering we have only been in existence for less than 1 month. Please continue to vote and subscribe to our articles and our newspaper.

This is part of our feature article about the newspaper that occurs every fortnight:

New and Changes of Features:
~ The use of French in the subheading for the newspaper, as in this issue. This will be used due to France's historical status with eAustria.
~ For this month only, a new section about the latest news of the Shadow Government of eAustria.
~ Temporary removal of the "Your Views" section, we'll be looking for ways to encourage participation in these: we barely have any involvement.
~ Push for more German used in our articles where ever possible. Won't be used all the time due to my small German ability. Will be looking for a "German Translator" as a position in this newspaper - I don't want to bother Penegrin all the time to get translations.
~ Bring more news from outside Europe, primary focus outside of Europe will be Asia.
~ New Focus System for news, which will indicate priority of news.

Work with the OJ

We are looking for people who are willing to become editors, these are people who write an article or parts of an article. We are looking for people who aren't biased, enjoy writing, have knowledge of either English or German, have a particular genre they like and more.

Obviously English and German speakers are recommended but we would like to get messages across in all sorts of languages: from Serbian to Swedish and from Finnish to French. English and German may be the top languages we wish to use but we are looking for speakers of French, Hungarian, Russian, Italian and Serbian.

If you are interested then please PM me, Thomas765, with the following details:


What you would be interested in doing?

We would like all sorts of people, even people who are only interested in covering news from France or would like to submit polls into the paper. These won't be official jobs, probably will not be paid but it's for fun. Pay may be introduced in the future when I have a lot more ATS but not right now. Even if you are the slightest bit interested then please PM me.

Shadow Government Section

Shadow Government Party Links

Austrian Independence Party: Click here
Illuminus Austria: Click Here
Socialist Party of eAustria: Click Here
Kronloyale Union: Click Here

Shadow Government Key People

Borojevic Von Bonjar
Teh Famzay
Kenji Fujimoto

To find these members, just search in the "Search Citizen" box in the eRepublik header.

If you would like to advertise your company, organisation, political party or newspaper then please click here or copy and paste the following link: find out more.

Falls du hier für deine Firma, Organisation, Partei oder Zeitung werben willst dann einfach hier klicken oder den folgenen Link kopieren: mehr herauszufinden."