Issue #2 - Thank you eMalaysians! + Lucky Draw

Day 1,376, 01:40 Published in Malaysia USA by Hurpy McDerperson

The Congress elections are over and our Dewan Rakyat finally gets filled by politicians from all three parties.

The eMalaysian Liberal Party was able to dominate the congress making up over half of the congress with 6 seats. This is no doubt under the guidance from Firebourne who has managed to restructure and revolutionise the Fundamentalist Party into the eMalaysian Liberal Party, which has been able to attract new party members (totaling 15 including myself).

Furthermore, the eMalaysian Liberal Party has not only helped bring forward younger, newer candidates but has also more importantly given them a platform to speak out on issues that might not have been seen by the older players.

After all, it is the youth that are going to become tomorrow's leaders and therefore we need to provide them with the knowledge and environment to do so.

Finally, I would like to thank all of you (the eRakyat) in putting your trust in eMLP and we promise to serve the eRakyat well in developing this country.

With that over, I would like to announce a lucky draw. To participate simply chain shout, vote up, subscribe and state your V & S numbers. I will be using to determine the winner. Three draws will be taken to determine the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winner.

First winner: 6 TANKS
Second winner: 3 TANKS
Third winner: 1 TANK

The chain shout:

Winner will be announced on the 31st of August