ISS Report No. 1

Day 2,047, 23:34 Published in India Albania by Ruler of The New World

What is India? It is a nation laying upon a peninsula of the Asian continent, jutting forth like a monstrous tooth it bites chunks from its enemies. With 757 current citizens eIndia is not strong but most definitely is not weak. In real life with the fastest growing population, economy and power India is bound to become the most powerful nation in the world. The New World eIndia shall reflect this in its victories over its opponents and its utter destruction of all that lies before it.


The soldiers of eIndia can give themselves a pat on the back and a celebratory shot of cognac. For no longer are we a single territory, no longer are we a lone acre of land but now we can be called an empire. Kerala, beautiful in actual fact but in the eWorld is stunning under our rule. After a smashing victory against Pakistan in the resistance war we now hold power in south India. A campaign currently being waged in Karnataka (which we are winning) will help us achieve a route from Kerala to our northern capital. Well done citizens a great achievement.


Pakistan is a threat to us, although we may have conquered one of their former three territories (now two) we are still under the the threat of a possible attack. Pakistan has 420 citizens, this leaves them with approximately three hundred less citizens than ourselves. This difference is probably what tipped the balance in the recent campaigns.
The two remaining territories of Pakistan (Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka) both have the main recourses of iron and rubber respectively. This means that Pakistani citizens have a 40% increase in weapon production. This increase when compared to our 20% bonus leaves us militarily unequipped. In their treasury the Pakistanis have no gold and only 8993.32 PKR. This means that India is far richer far more stable.
The Pakistani Congress seems to have power shared equally with no particular party having excess power, although the Democratic Party holds 43% of seats.
Pakistan is currently allies with: Serbia, Turkey, China, Poland, Greece, Iran, Hungary, Thailand, Argentina, Spain and Croatia. This plethora of allies means that in a time of crisis Pakistan may call on friends to assisting their cause. Pakistan is no where near launching an air strike and has no natural enemy


This report factionalized Pakistan illustrated its strength and weaknesses I hope all reader utilize this this information to their advantage and continue to promote India on the battlefield and in their land.

Real eyes
Real lies