Israel and Greece unite for one goal!

Day 889, 01:53 Published in Greece Israel by hadorban

After too long under repeated attacks by Turkey, Israel and Greece decide to fight back attacking the largest economic region of Turkey.
It's true we have conquered the region and won the battle, but do we have to stop here?

Turkey occupied Greece and Israel more than once, then I say it's time to fight back and fight as hard all the way to Ankara, the capital of Turkey.

Israel and Greece were under Turkish occupation for too long, we wanted peace, asked for peace, but Turkey continued to rule us without mercy.
It's time to stop talking about peace and make the war machines.
It is time we take the war to the Turks.
It's time they pay for their crimes against Israel and Greece.

I say, take the turkey, let's prove them brotherhood between Israel and Greece is stronger than any Turkish occupation.
I thought, that the Turks want peace with Israel and Greece, but I was wrong.
Turkey attacked Israel without provocation last month, several times, now time to counterattack against the Turks.

I urge the Israeli government, the government of Greece, Turkey did not stop to wipe off the map!
Bible says "Anyone who wants to kill you, kill him earlier."
Turkey started this war, and we finish it!
Come on people, let's march to Ankara.

Am Yisrael Chai.
Long live Israel.
Long live Greece.
Long live the brotherhood between us.