Israel 2015 April Presidential Debate Rufus1988 Vs. DrHavoc

Day 2,691, 19:32 Published in Israel Israel by Filthy McNasty

19:55 first off i would like to thank both Rufus and DrHavoc for taking time to do this debate
19:55 ok
19:56 my pleasure 🙂
19:56 thank you for the invitation, the debate is always good
19:56 shall we get started ?
19:57 yes
19:57 I am ready
19:57 I will ask a question the let you guys know who is to answer the question first after the person is done let it be known so that the next canidate may speak
19:58 ok
19:58 My first question for you guys is "In your opinion what is the most pressing issue in Israel at the moment and how do you plan on handling this issue"
19:58 ok
19:58 Rufus you answer this question first
20:01 I think, there is a lot of work to do, especially in the foreign issues. There is a permanent coup threat, or we all know about the hungarian air strike (however it fails) we are in constant danger, and as I see, we always just react for the events...
20:02 ... so we have to organise a better foreing affairs ministry, with ambassadors, who can monitor every region of the e world. I want to organise diplomatic
missions: 1.) America & Pacific Diplomatic Mission 2.) Latin America Diplomatic Mission 3.) Western Europe Diplomatic Mission 4.) Eastern Europe
Diplomatic Mission 5.) Mediterranean Diplomatic Mission 6.)..
20:02 6.) Asia Diplomatic Mission
20:04 ... so we can avoid the surprises, and of course establish a better relationship. I think, We can not conduct unilateral foreign policy.
20:05 ... so in the next term we will be more active about foreign issues.
20:05 The foreign and defence policy mustn't be a game, it is a profession.
20:07 ...---...---...---...---..---...---...---...---...---
20:09 are you done?
20:09 yes say done after you are done
20:09 it is your turn 🙂
20:09 the floor is yours DrHavoc
20:12 Community and economy these are the 2 pressing issues in my opinion.
20:12 Both of it are satisfactory, but we shouldn't settle with it.
20:14 Our community is getting more active and we need to support this. Of course it's difficult to do this from the government but we should make a favourable game environment in Israel for the community to grow and improve.
20:16 The dictarship module is helping with that process. It tightens the democratic community of Israel. Also we need to have wars that our citizens can
fight in them.
20:17 Economy is the supporting pillar of the community so we have to expand it more, so there is enough workers and enough jobs. To make jobs we have to help
our companies to be able to afford to hire people. As we don't have bonuses it's very difficult.
20:18 This is why we need a complex economic policy which includes tax revision.
20:19 It's already known that our ideas are quite different from MoF Rickolas' ideas.
20:19 By the way, about the dictatorship threat, we have to have preplanned contingency plans that we can implement in case of a coup attempt.
20:20 -- finished --
20:20 thank you
20:20 for my next question drhavoc will be answering first
20:20 What are your plans for our military ?
20:25 As eIDF deputy commander I tried to involve active members of the unit as regiment captains. This way at least the daily order can be updated more
frequently which is important as people complained about wrong DOs. eIDF is the primary regular unit that have to be kept that way. There are the elit
and the tironut. Both are essential and we have to find a way
20:26 to support all of them if needed. This is not easy as the elite can do real damage, the tironut is needed to be supported too and we have to be able to
give weapons to those who are willing to do more hits in case of real war.
20:28 Also I plan to make a database which includes the avaliable mass destruction weapons located at different soldiers. We ask these people to store them
for emergencies. These weapons can do a lot of help if used together.
20:28 - finished -
20:28 rufus the floor is now yours
2😇0 thanks for letting me know
2😇0 i have one more question then would like to give you both the oppurtunity to ask each other one question a peice the end it
2😇1 ...The Israeli forces are too fragmented, and many of them has no active leader which complicates the situation. Efficient mobilization in the war --
which is the key in this game-- is almost impossible. So, I urge to reorganise these groups, and find active and well talented leaders.
2😇1 ...In the cabinet we will organise a team: NSC "The National Security Council will be responsible to coordinate the work of the Military Units, based on
the foreign intel's, diplomatic relations, and our foreign purpose."
2😇3 ...on the other hand the army and citizens also need to develop. There is no daily support (weapon, food) which can help for the newbies to develop
2😇4 ...we have to find a way, how we can support our citizens to upgrade their training grounds. It is good for economy, and good for their strenght, and
ultimately it makes our military stronger.
2😇5 I can imagine credit system or refundable subsidy with guarantors, or non-refundable systems as well.
2😇6 so we need to change
2😇7 The situation is not resolved by itself
2😇7 finish
2😇7 We are short on time so i would like to go ahead and skip down to my last question for you guys
2😇7 My last question for you guys is ....
2😇7 Why do you think you would make a better president than your opponent
2😇8 rufus we will start with you
20:43 Well dr Havoc is a good man, he has a great program. Of course, We have differences but we we agree that Israel is the first. Whoever wins, we will
cooperate to make Israel a better place to live. However I know, to achive our plans we need to work hard. And I am hard worker.
20:44 I havevery a good team , so I think I have prepared for the next term.
20:44 *I have a very
20:45 wish you good luck
20:46 Honestly, Rufus is a good candidate. He's very active, writes well and has a vision. He take it very seriously and it is needed even if this is a game.
To answer the questin, I'm more confrontative than he is.
20:48 It is important to have serious candidates, not just ones who start of a negative campaign without a program or something to say or, try to impeach the
current president (and risk our country to fall into mess). Yes, I'm talking about Chris Emma.
20:50 And I wish good luck to you too. (Rufus)
20:51 thank you
20:52 are you done DrHavoc ?
20:52 yes
20:52 ok at this time i would like to give you both the opportunity to ask each other ONE question a piece then we will close this debate
20:53 we will start with you DrHavoc
20:53 Hmm
20:54 How do you plan to improve our economy? This is the most pressing matter for my party.
20:55 rufus you have the floor to answer
20:58 ...I have to say I am strongly against the new tax reform. The import tariffs are too low. It can't save our economy. Some says the prices become cheaper,
but it is the effect of the lower VAT not the lower import tariffs. The lower import tariffs just increase the profits of the foreign entrepreneurs. So I
will make changes
20:59 ...I want an economy policy which support our domestic economy, help increase the production, and make new jobs for Israeli citizens.
21:00 ...We should consider a lower income tax, and a moderate import tariffs which equalizes the competition.
21:02 I said in my program: "There are two ways, the way of vulnerability and the way of development." I choose the second one. I know it is harder, but
everybody will see that the "ISRAEL WORKS" works 🙂
21:03 finish
21:03 rufus you have the floor now to ask DrHavoc your question
21:06 I would like to know, what is your plan in the education? as a minister of Education I know it is harder than you can ever imagined. so what is your main
21:09 Organising a new baby boom is very difficult, I can't promise that. I can on the hand promise to help the newbies with a mentor program, that involves
active player who can help the newbies with information and if necessary with support of food and weapons. The mentor program should include Hebrew
speaking players as the new players mainly come from IRL Israe
21:09 l
21:10 Thanks for the debate, I hope it helps the citizens to make a wise choice!
21:10 i would like to thank both of you for your time tonight
21:10 Thank you McNasty and thank you Rufus!!
21:11 thanks
21:11 good luck to the both of you 🙂
21:11 thank you McNasty