Is this like Buckleys?

Day 538, 23:33 Published in Canada Canada by Enkidu Harthouse

Di me perdant, sed volo panem et circenses!

I ask the question because I want to understand. With party presidential elections coming soon to an eCanada near you, I'm certain you've all noticed the avalanche of platform notices, candidacy announcements, attempts at mudslinging et cetera.

I for one have found them very formulaic, boring, and for the most uninteresting. (With the exceptions of Augustus Baldwins' and the many "Poor Cleo" vs. "Evil Cleo" articles). What I want to know from the fine citizens of our fair country is whether the standard articles are useful to you? I'll give an approximation of what I mean:

I am Citizen X (sorry if Citizen X exists and is offended), and I am running for the PP of Party Y (P a r t Y? Because I gotta! Thanks Mr. Carey). I have several blah blah blahs which are dissimilar to other candidates blah blah blahs in many ways. My/Our platform will be the following...
Area 1 --- we need more of this and less of that, I/We can provide more of this and remove most of that!
Area 2 While My/Our opponents advocate this position, I/We would change it because it would be foolish not to.

We all know eCanada has suffered through some harsh times lately, what with the _____ scandal and the horrible _______ affair, but I/We believe I/We can fix it if given your vote. Thank you and vote for Citizen X for Party Y President!!!

Does this appeal to you? Does it entertain you, or do you, like me, find yourself too underwhelmed to continue reading? Finally, and most importantly, is this technique useful to you? I want to know if this cure is better than, what I perceive as, the disease.

*The disease is lack of information from Would-be Leaders to those they would lead.

Thanks for thinking.