Is the Game Dying?

Day 941, 15:36 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

Well another huge day in erepublik has come and gone. At the moment , it appears that PHOENIX is playing the fiddle while EDEN is burning down. Of the three main regions under attack yesterday, not even one of them was secured by EDEN forces. While there is a lot that needs to be sorted out within EDEN, it is not the results of the battles yesterday that this article will focus on. To be honest, I really wasn’t that surprised by the results of yesterday’s battles, but as I was looking at the battle statistics today one particular statistic caught my eye. In the battle of Liaoning yesterday, a total of about 18,000 citizens took part in the fight. However, when Liaoning was attacked by the USA less than a month ago, about 21,500 citizens took part in that fight. That is a difference of 3,500 citizens . I was startled by this revelation and I began to look deeper into the matter. Unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that at the current moment erepublik is dying .

Is this game dying?

However, this is my own personal view and if you have a counterview please PM me or post a comment. I would love to hear from you. Now let me explain why I believe this game is dying, what caused it to die, and if there is any way it can recover. Let me first present you with some statistics. These statistics were taken from this site , which provides excellent statistics on this game. Below, I have listed the percent decrease in population sizes of the top five countries in the eWorld over the last 47 days. The top five countries I have chosen, are based off population size only


-Poland has experienced a 37.5% decrease in population over the last 47 days


-Serbia has experienced a 5.39% decrease in population over the last 47 days


-Brazil has experienced a 7.41% decrease in population over the last 47 days


-USA has experienced a 23.44% decrease in population over the last 47 days


-Russia has experienced a 21.74% decrease in population over the last 47 days

As you can see from the statistics above, all of the five most populous countries in the eWorld are decreasing in size. This is what leads me to believe that the game is dying. If it were just one country that was decreasing in size, that would be one thing. But as you can see every top country is decreasing. These are five countries separated by different geographic locations, different cultures, and different beliefs. However, they all share one common problem, and that is keeping people playing this game. The main question though, is how did we get to this point? These countries at one point in time had large populations and now they no longer have them. What caused us to arrive here?

The grim reaper may be coming for the game. Can it be saved?

In my personal opinion, Lana and the lack of skill involved with the game caused us to get here. For those who are young players, Lana and her friends were not always part of the game. Months ago, there were no strength boosters. Citizens would train everyday and receive a bonus based on their current strength. Citizens at lower strength, would receive a greater bonus and those at higher strength would receive a lesser bonus. The admins claim to have added Lana to the game to help decrease the strength gap between players. However, adding Lana had the opposite effect. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer . Those with higher strength, were the only ones who could afford Lana’s friends. Either they could afford it themselves or they had their governments pay for them. Those with lower strength could not afford it or did not want to spend real life money on it. What would be the point of spending money to try and catch the high strength players, when they are training with Napoleon every day. There is no way the lower players can catch the stronger players, so why spend real life money trying? Therefore, these players kept getting further and further behind until they eventually gave up. Now the question is can the game recover? Will populations eventually rise or will they keep slipping? Is there any hope for the future?

Is there hope?

At this moment, it appears that the future looks bleak. According to all reports coming back from V2 beta, it looks like playing V2 will require a lot of Gold. While final prices are not set yet, the situation does not look good. Today, I urge the V2 creators to think carefully as they set the final prices for things in V2. I understand that this game is a business and you must collect a paycheck, but forcing players to spend Gold is not the way to go about things. To encourage players to spend real life money on this game, make the game have an encouraging environment for all players. If there is an encouraging atmosphere, players will be more likely to give you real life money. Also increasing the number of players playing this game, will increase the likelihood that people will sponsor this game giving you more money. While this is not a quitting article, I am losing hope and a feel that many others are as well. In closing, I would just urge those in charge to think carefully as they finalize V2. Until next time……

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak