Is eRomania Jingoist?

Day 875, 08:42 Published in Czech Republic Romania by Osama Bri Gadier

Dear RL Czechs and ... not RL Czechs

I picked out for you two definitions from Wikipedia in order to make the point of my article more clear and in the same time to express the point of view of (hopefully) the majority of my fellow romanians.

"Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person."

"Jingoism occurs when one country imposes its will on another. This is normally done with military force or threats. With threats, it is common to ensure that aid and grants will not be given to the smaller country or that the smaller country will not be allowed to join a trading organization. Often political corruptions, coup d'états, and kleptocracies are the solution and response to the countries being bullied."

Most of you felt, at least once in your lifetime, how it is to be bullied by bigger and stronger guys in the school, nasty colleagues and bosses at your work or elswhere into the society. Some of you just passed over the event and try to show that you didn't care. But you could never forget. Others tried to fight back and remain with a bitter taste for all your life. There are also those extreme cases when the subject committed suicide or took a gun and killed his teachers and colleagues in schools.

The majority of us made a stand against bullies. The present society can not afford them and excludes such elements.

The same thing happens with the Jingoism which, as you saw above, is the inter-nations form of bullying. History is full of political, economical and even religious acts of jingoism among states, among empires and conquered countries and churches.

Some of you will ask: what is the conection with Erepublik?
But not you, the RL Czechs. No!
Because even if you fully don't understarstand what I am saying you still feel that something is wrong. Because, unfortunately, you are one of the bullied countries in this game.

Game! Yeah! It's only a game, will say some of you. Keep on lying to yourself folks!

A few months ago, together with a bunch of friends made a political party. The ZEN Party. After a whyle we created a military unit, The GPS(Gryphons Power Soldiers). We colected from all the members gold in order to upgrade our existing companies. By mistake, one of us, sended all the gold into the party account. The gold was blocked and we couldn't use it for anything but for ads for articles. But it was ok because we need it ads.
It was a small party so it was easy for our unit to controle the presidency every month in order to have control over the gold. Until one day when the party was TO-ed by a member of Vanatorii de Munte. At that moment we had 49 gold into the account.

I started a discussion with Morphine, the leader of VM and, at that moment, the vice MoD of eRomania. He was also in charge with the preHQ of the Romanian Army where I was a member as commander of GPS. With all his "promises", that "nobody will touch the gold from the account", at the end of the month, the account was empty.
The VM member who PTO-ed the party left the place to another guy from another MU and the VM washed their hands. How convenient...

We , The GPS passed over this event but since then we adopted a very strong rule: nobody in GPS is allowed to take part at an internal PTO! External PTO's are allowed only if they are ordered and organized by the commanders and they are sopposed to act only against Poenix PTO's. Even so, GPS congressmans are not allowed to interfere in the economical, political and social issues of the country who is the subject of the PTO.


- Some months ago, a part of GPS together with others, participated to a PTO in Bolivia helping the locals to counter a Phoenix PTO.
- We've got citizenships and voted some of our people as presidents in some parties.
- Second day after elections the presidents elected left their places to RL bolivians.(nobody touched a single gold from their accounts)
- At the congress elections, all the congressmans we had(including me), proposed laws who didn't change anything. Everything was left as it was before.
- Second day, after elections, we all left the congress and came home. We have a very good relationship with eBolivians.
- At the presidential elections we voted the RL bolivian proposed by locals.
- In Czech Republic we involved with the hope that it will be the same strategy like in eBolivia.
- Before the presidential elections all our soldiers were ordered to come and vote in Romania so nobody voted Morphine in Czech Republic.
- At the "impeachement law" we ordered our congressman IosyDeadman to vote against.
- At the "donation law" towards Vanatorii de Munte we ordered our congressman to vote against.
- Directly after that, we ordered IosyDeadman to leave the Czech Congress and come home. And he did it.

At the same time we went public with this article: click

RL history proved that some nations who were bullied all the way through history ended by bullying other nations (look at Israel). Jingoism never characterised Romania in RL even if we were several times the subject of it. We've never bullied another nation. History can prove it.

In Erepublik, unfortunatelly, the question still remains: Is eRomania Jingoist?

The answer is without any doubt: No!

And the prove is in our president's message.

If something is not killing you... it makes you stronger.

The Brigadier - just one in a big crowd.