Irish Workers Party

Day 1,153, 14:05 Published in Ireland Ireland by shadowking
Irish Workers Party

Citizens of eIreland,

As you know the Congress elections are close, i am here to tell you why you should vote for I.W.P members.

What can we do for you if elected into congress?

A voice for those who don't have one. You might ask WTF do i mean by this, well alot of TDs who are elected into the Dail are just there for the medal and end up doing 'f' all and are a complete waste of a vote. But there are few when elected will be very active and will improve the country, the I.W.P members are among those few. Our members will do everything they can and will work hard together to impose improvements for our country and you.

Each of our members have there own goals for when they get into congress but we all have the same main objective: To be the voices of the eIreland citizens and instead of sitting around we will do everything we can to improve eLife for them and to make changes that will benefit them. We aim to communicate with the citizens of Ireland and listen to them and hear their opinion because we are not going to be in the Dail to get what we want but to try and achieve what the people want.

If you vote for I.W.P members we will not only try to achieve our goals but we will listen to what you want.

Here are some of the improvements our party would like to achieve which i mentioned in a previous article:

COMMUNICATION : We need to promote the use of the eIreland forums,IRC and promote them to all citizens. We need to make sure that all dail members have set meeting dates to discuss matters and actually get congress members active rather then just sitting there. We need more communication between the public and the Dail because after all they are the ones who voted for us so we should listen to them.

SUPPORT: We need to support and help new citizens, we need to teach them how to do things rather than just sending them a presidential PM. i suggest we get some of the more experienced citizens to act as mentors and for each mentor to take a handful of new citizens under there wing to teach them the right way ogf doing things.

BEHAVIOR : On the IRC its acceptable to act yourself but in erepublik you should revert back to mature mode and try and get along with your countrymen (even if there a pr**k) this is vital because eIrish citizens are not the enemy, the enemy are out in the eWorld not here so we need to stick together for the greater good. And also some people like to relax on the IRC so if they say something in the IRC it should stay there and ifit offends you talk to them about it to avoid controversy.

UNITY: We should stick together and act as one. Because in times of invasion we must act as one to defend our country.

I will try and keep writing articles about recent updates on our party and about more of our aims and objectives. If you have any questions dont be afraid to PM me. Sorry if the article is a bit all over the place, i haven't got much sleep lately.

So Vote for I.W.P members .


Your friendly neighborhood
Irish Workers Party President