Irish Union Party Presidency

Day 361, 12:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by Igor Thunderbrow

Dear people of the Irish Union Party,

I see that this party presidential election is running reasonably tightly. So I am going to give you an idea of what I will be doing next time around if you continue to vote for me.

I will continue to promote Public Relations positions within the party. Spokespeople corresponding to the various departments and a general PRO to look after general announcements. This is being done at the moment and has been in operation for a long while however member interest has been limited at best and it has been very difficult to fill these positions. Since my opponent seems to think that this is a new idea, I will presume that he never read the forums section and that is why he never took up a position despite his name being suggested on many occasions. If I am elected I hope that Theus will put his money where his mouth is and take up one of these positions which have been on offer for over a month at this stage.

I will continue to keep up communication with our active members. Despite assertions by my opponent that this is not being done, I assure you that it is and was a major factor in my party decentralisation scheme.

Where I feel I have let the party down in the past is in pre election organisation. Failure to capitalise from our 41% congressional vote was largely down to me. Therefore if you keep your trust in me, it is in this organisation that I will be focusing on. The first step towards this was our party decentralisation scheme. Added to this I plan to promote congressional discussion on our forum. This would appear to have died out in recent weeks due to a lack of interest by party members, but I will try and revamp it and get it going again.

The last thing I wish to deal with is Theus Jackus' Plans for the Party. As great as they are, none of them are new and everything he talks about is already in operation. on our forums.

(Please expect a slight delay while your forum registration goes through an acceptance process; to prevent spies and the like)

If you want to keep the Irish Union Party on its current path. As a successful and growing party, as evidenced by the voter turnout today, dwarfing that of every other party!, then vote for Igor Thunderbrow.

Go raibh míle maith agaibh
Igor Thunderbrow