Irish National Newspaper 1st Edition

Day 895, 00:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish State Newspaper">">
Edition 1 Day 895

-World News
-Current Affairs
-This Wek in Congress
-eGame Trends
-Best Articles of the Week">">
“The Irish Press stands for objectivity, honesty, integrity and independence. It will criticise those who do wrong, applaud those who do well and report on those who do anything. The Irish Press aims to become the most trusted and reputable news source in Ireland and, as Ireland grows in international terms, the most influential newspaper in the world.”

Paddy Machiavelli wrote this in the first two months of eIrealnd in the days when there were less then 40 citizens in the country. It will be the mission of this paper over two years latter.">">
by Dan Murchadh

A week ago, on Days 885 and 886, a multitude of battles erupted between the forces of BRODEN (EDEN and Brolliance Countries) and the Forces of Phoenix. This has been commonly called World War Five due to the size and scope of the fighting.

First, before moving onto the week in review, let me list the countries that Comprise the major belligerents during this week's events.

Brolliance: Australia, Canada, Ireland, Japan, and the USA.

Erepublik Defense and Economic Network: Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Croatia, Finland, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Phoenix: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

The New World is also home to two other Alliances, SOL and Entente, however these two saw a minority of recent Global events.

The Battle of Rhone Alps was one of the first highly contested battles of the week and ended on Sunday, Day 887. Spain Conquered the region from Slovenia. The Rhone Alps is a national region of France, with a High Wood yield, and was quickly turned into a Fortress state by EDEN. It would cost some 1,100 Gold to start a resistance war in that region now. Soon after this Battle Poland and Spain made a Mutual Protection Pact, ending a long standing mutual region swapping strategy that was their Present Strategy in German/French Europe.

The following Day Brazil conquered the Canary Islands and Andalucia from the Spanish. Croatia and Romania went on a multiple front offensive the same day against Hungary. There was also fighting from Greece and Israel on mainland Turkey. Russia turned on its rival and attacked China in Jilin to help protect a region called Heilongjiang, a High Iron region under Hungarian occupation. China, with EDEN support, repulsed the Russian invasion, and set in motion the epic battle for Heilongjiang.

Heilongjiang, China, also referred to as "Hello Kitty", has been occupied by Hungary and has been a lifeline of Iron for Hungarian military operations for quite some time. On Day 890 a resistance war was created there and with major EDEN support the battle was won the following day on Day 891. The scope and size of many of this week's battles cannot be mentioned in full. This battle and other failed attempts by Phoenix allied countries has made EDEN/Brolliance nearly unstoppable.
In closing I would like to point to world stocks of Quality Five weapons:">">
by Biffo

A lot of people (in particular outside of Ireland) may well have seen shouts on Friday and Saturday along the lines of "RIP Gerry Ryan" and wondered who or what they were referring to.

Last Friday one of the most well known personalities in Ireland, Gerry Ryan, passed away at the still youthful age of 53. He was best known for his radio chat show each weekday morning which had been running on the national broadcaster RTE's 2fm station with a following of about 300,000(which by Ireland standards is impressive!). He also presented a number of television shows including Ryan Confidential and Operation Transformation as well as filling in on the iconic Late Late Show for an episode when Pat Kenny had a family bereavement.

Known for his irreverence, and brashness, Ryan developed a cult following on his radio show since it first aired in 1988. His show which dealt with day to day issues in Ireland offered people a place to speak their mind and Ryan was seen as a champion for many causes and an ear to those in need could express their thoughts to freely. He could cut someone down with a couple of simple words but he was always composed and articulate when the need arose.">">
by Theus Jackus

While many eIrelanders would like to believe that the UK and Ireland are worlds apart in every single way imaginable (they are of course, our sworn enemies), both countries have far more in common with each other than any other nation in eRepublik. Although the invasion of Northern Ireland has left any current relations with the UK as of this moment, non-existent, the UK for the longest time was our eRepublik best friends. Many of our most notable eIrelanders such as Final Destiny or Michael Collins have settled and been prominent in the eUK and I myself consider the UK my second home within the game. Yet despite all this, a lot of eIrelanders continue to hate this nation with a passion. While recent trolling efforts on behalf of Prime Minister Gladdos have not helped the situation, this article hopes to give you a small insight into the inner workings of the eUnited Kingdom.

The United Kingdom is a 12 region large country. It boasts a population of 7903 people and in the aftermath of the recent Eden invasion, only has one Q5 hospital in its capital region, London. It has one of the most active communities in eRepublik, with a large forum and an active media which is home to around 20-30 articles on a daily basis. It has several prominent characters, like Dishmcds (who you may know for his recent publishings in the Irish Media), Mr. Woldy (a very friendly character who has a soft spot for the eIrish) and many other famous faces like Gladdos, Bob Boblo and Iain Keers.

Politically speaking, the balance of power in the eUK only changes every three to four months. At any one time, one single party usually dominates both the congress elections and the presidential elections. Up until recently, The Unity Party held this stranglehold, but the victory of the United Kingdom Reform Party’s candidate Gladdos has led to a more balanced political spectrum. The Unity Party currently holds 42% of the congress, with the UKRP trailing behind with 30%. Although these are two most prominent parties, there are also other congressional parties like Spectrum, The Spamicans and the Peoples Communist Party. To the relief of many eIrelanders, Gladdos has decided not to contest this month’s elections, with Jamesw and Craig Rossiter at the forefront of the Presidential Race.

The United Kingdom is home to one the most active and well organised militaries in the eWorld. It has two main wings, the Royal Navy (for anybody below the rank of general) and the Special Forces Support Group, or as it is known to many, the Paras. It boasts an extremely active military community, with around 400 active members within its ranks. It has multiple dedicated IRC channels for every area of military life, from the Navy and Para channels, to dedicated command and supply channels, It also has an extremely active forum base, with threads for the wide variety of different squads within the military. It also has a very intricate system of companies, with the amount of military companies numbering in the forties.

The country also has one of the best media in the whole game (for an English Language speaker that is). It has several notable publications, such as Iain Keers’ “The Economist”, Craig Rossiter’s “Exogenesis” and Mr Woldy’s “The People’s Gazette”. About 10 to 15 high quality articles are released on a daily basis, with several smaller low quality articles released also. It has a state paper called “The National Newspaper Association”, which lists the best articles of that week and gives them a Gold, Silver or Bronze rating.

Saying this, entry into any sphere of the UK is not without its challenges. Unlike eIreland, it is very hard for any new player to simply waltz in to the Political, Business or Newspaper worlds. While many eIrelanders have become used to the fact that getting into a congress is simply a matter of joining the right party, it is different in the UK. Congress places are fought for between the parties, with some regions even holding forum based debates. Saying this, the House of Commons has become a Rubber Stamp parliament, with most of the decision making coming from the Cabinet. Each Ministry has an intricate system of Apprentices, Under Ministers and Ministers, and competition is high for these coveted positions.

While I am not expecting this short piece to cause a complete overhaul in to the way in which we see our British Neighbours, I hope at least I have been able to give them a human quality. While the nation has been misrepresented by trolls such as Maddog Jones, it is necessary for eIrelanders to remember that these trolls are frowned upon by the eUKers as much they are frowned upon by us.">">
by Octavius

On the twenty-fifth day of every month the people of eIreland go to the ballot and cast their vote for an individual to represent them in congress, or the Dáil as we call it. These votes determine the true decision makers for our country. But what is it that these decision makers actually do? Could their job really be worth the 5 gold they get paid a month to do it? The purpose of this article is to outline what it is our lovely politicians have been up to. Matters of national security will of course be kept confidential, but everything else is fair game. Consider this your in game forum, without any of the long “signatures” that make scrolling through posts so tedious ha.

Having served in the Dail for 6 months and seven days thus far I can tell you first hand it is filled with a lot of nonsense. Much of this is needed though, it helps filter out poorly planned ideas. A lot of what might seem like petty squabbles over wording or principle actually hold tremendous weight on a national level. This months group of TDs, our Congressmen, have taken the positive side of filtering ideas, and dropped the negative side of the petty arguments. True discussion is taking place and compromises are being made.

The recent split decision on food taxes may seem to indicate a rift in the Dáil, but as you will see the proposal did not match the discussions being held. Currently a new taxation plan is being discussed, in an effort to assist newer players. The original aim of this new plan was to cut taxes on food and weapons to make them more affordable and the job market more lucrative for the laborers. Through much discussion and budgeting issues it has been relatively established that taxes should be lowered on gifts and weapons marginally, with a potential increase to moving ticket taxes. This is of course a gross over simplification of the true debate. There still remains vocal opposition to this plan by groups whose main concern is the oncoming of V2, which will require large sums of money to adapt to properly, and our ability to afford the state labor companies as well as our slew of Protection Pacts and war games.

The Celtic league is a plan at its formative stages being discussed in the Public Dáil. The goal of the league is to bring all Celtic lands into a closer form of unity with each other. A cooperative effort of this sort would prove truly powerful on an international scale. Don.Squire is the citizen leading this project, and is in the process of putting together a crack team. If you have skills in Foreign Affairs, Finance, Military Leadership, or Community Organizing then send him a message.

Currently the state house construction company has a large surplus of stock. There is much debate as far as what to do with the houses. By offering them up to the public for cheap the state runs the risk of loss if the player becomes inactive or is scamming the government. Also the domestic housing industry will be unable to compete with the subsidized housing from the state company. The pro’s and con’s of this can be measured differently, especially if someone looks at the V2 changes. Customization points will truly revolutionize every industry, housing in particular. It is unclear if any decision will be made soon about the housing overstock.

Hopefully you enjoyed This Week in Congress. I tried my best to give an unbiased glimpse into the forum. With any luck you’ll walk away a more informed citizen having read this. If any of these issues spark an interest in you please contact your local congressman and voice your perspective. Also come join us on the forum to directly contribute to the Public Dáil. The forum can be located here:
Irish Forum">">
by ???

This section will start next week.">">
by Mr. Ginge

Kolshire is a man of great stature in eIreland so I was pleased when he agreed to an interview—he didn't think himself famous enough for an appearance in a national paper.

I entered the dark IRC channel… it was late at night for me but Kolshire was jovial as usual replying with “Yerp?” after being pinged.

I asked him about his life outside of the New World. “I live in the Pacific Northwest of the US, but I was born and raised in California. By trade, I'm a professional software tester and website developer. I've also been a union carpenter, professional studio musician, and I'm also an asbestos
removal 'expert'.”

He tells me it was that brought him here to the New World.

“You’ve been here over a year now; you’ve obviously seen some fun things happening in the New World. What’s been your most memorable moment for Ireland?”

“That was right before V1, so technically I'm one of the very last of the Beta players. But, I died three times because I kept forgetting to care for my character.”

The 2 clicking days seem to have been bleak for Kolshire so I move on to my next question:

“What’s been your most memorable moment for eIreland?”

“Well, I actually have two 'most memorable' times: when I was invited by Nithraldur to participate in the original Fortis discussions as his observer and proxy and then during WW2 when Emerick asked me to relay the message to then President Aran Tal that Emereick asked if Ireland would invade the US to protect them from the last PEACE rush.”

When I ask about his favourite President he says:

“Nithraldur will always be my top pick. Not because he was my friend first, but because he has the level-headedness and calm yet persistent drive to keep Ireland involved in the world scene. I've always been impressed how he just managed to get things done.”

He maintains that he was against the treatment of Dubh by the Nith supporters in last month’s election campaign.

Kolshire has only been elected to congress 4 times in his long eRep career. I asked him why he has on so many occasions not run for congress.

“I've always been an 'in the shadows' kind of person” he says, “up to the point where I decided to run for office, I spent my time getting to know the mechanics of industry.”

I interrupted here thinking him to be finished, but he continued to talk about what his role in Ireland.

“Foreign Affairs have always been my first love, because I love learning about new language and culture. So, when I finally decided to make a run for office, it was because I felt the time was right for me to contribute directly to Ireland's future.”

Anaille Kolshire plays a crucial role for the eIrish community managing the National Forums and helping to regulate the IRC. I ask how he feels he became trusted enough to earn the role of forum admin.

“I love serving Ireland and her citizens in this capacity. The wealth of characters that cross my path is entertaining, enlightening, and sometimes awe-inspiring. I believe for myself that the level of trust I have been able to garner both within and outside of Ireland is because I treat everyone with the same level of respect that I would want to be treated with.”

At this point I ask Kolshire about the time he spends bullying on the IRC.

He insists he only picks on PP and “only when he deserves it.”

I concur, “He usually does”.

I continued in the light hearted direction that brings out the Kol I know best: “Your sense of humour is usually present on the IRC channel and much appreciated. How do you think this helps you in eRepublik?”

“Well, I've always had a slightly ‘off’ sense of humour, which was perhaps influenced by all the dry British comedy I watched while growing up. The Goodies and Benny Hill have always been my favourite shows. And I appreciate British/Irish/Scot humour more than American humour in general.”

Comedy side tracks us and I try to gauge his age judging from the TV shows he watched as a young lad.

He says; “In eRepublik, hopefully it just helps everyone else remember it's a social game, one meant to bring people together, and humour is one way to help make that happen”.

“It also helps to keep me from taking myself too seriously...”

“Looking through your newspaper articles I don’t see many serious political publications, most in fact are light hearted criticisms or informative and helpful pieces for new players. Is helping to improve Ireland from outside the Government always something you have done? Or did you once aim to take on a serious political role?”

I waited at this point for a response and begin to wonder if I'm the last person who will speak to Anaille Kolshire… 'Who will look after the forums?' I think, almost dozing off myself at one point.

“sry, was helping my son with something...”

I breathe easy as Kolshire returned.

I asked him about his son; “Oh, yeah, well in total I have three kids. The oldest is in college on her way to becoming a teacher, the middle one is graduated but still finding her way in the world, and the youngest, my son, is a tech geek as well.”

He says that his youngest son plays eRep too but is not in Ireland. He wouldn't disclose his character name, his reasoning for which I guess is pretty obvious.

Continuing on with the question I just asked he says: “I'm not a career politician, and I actually avoided running for office for quite a while, until I felt that I was ready to contribute something positive to our government.”

“Through my own paper, I try to provide some enlightenment to Ireland's new and old citizens, but with a light spirit. There are a million and one completely serious media personalities out there, so I just try to keep things light and lively. Every so often I have something serious to say, and you can usually tell the difference.”">">
by editor

Trouble in Russia: Civil War? Solidarity with the CPSU
I remember when.....
Spain Prepares For Defensive Battles.

Thanks to all the writers for there contributions. Anyone wanting to contribute please send a pm to this org. Look for next Mondays eddition.