Irish Boot Camp: How to fight effectively.

Day 532, 05:54 Published in Ireland Ireland by Vyse
Irish Boot Camp: How to Fight effectively.

Welcome to boot camp maggots lets get you all whipped into fighting shape. This article will teach you how to fight effectively for Ireland in the coming War Games with the United States of America and her Allies. How to fight while helping to improve the countries productivity and economy is key to a successful campaign.

First things first you must do the following:

1. Move to Dublin or Cork and Kerry. If you have not got a ticket to move ask for one off your Commanding Officer. Why move to Dublin or Cork and Kerry? Well they have our highest quality Hospitals and trust me using them will help you a lot.

Newbie Notes: To move go to your Profile and pick the option “Change residence”.

2. It is advised you buy Weapons though it’s likely the Government will give out a few supplies are going to be limited. So if you have cash splash it on Weapons. As you use up a Weapon in every fight consider buying Q1 Weapons as they are more cost effective. You can fight without a Weapon but you lose 50% of your attack force and that is a significant hit.

3. Train. You should have been doing this everyday anyway but in War mode you Train first before you do anything else. So long as you are above 40 Wellness.

4. If you haven’t already sign up to the Irish Defence Force. It will help the Government supply you with equipment and wellness if needs be. Plus you will get super cool orders for your benefit.

Now we move to War!

So you in Dublin with your Q1 Weapon itching to fight? Good then look at national events and look for a battle. If there is more than one battle read the media or ask your Commanding Officer which battle you should fight in.

***Tip***: If you are fighting on a budget and have few weapons consider storing your weapons in an org for these first few fights.

Once in the battle click the big button that says Fight. Do this until your Wellness is down to 60. If you have lower wellness than 60 to begin with then fight once and then stop. Why did I tell you to stop at 60 Wellness? Because we are now going to use the Hospital.

How do you use Dublin Hospital? Simply visit the Dublin page. and click the heal button(If you are in Cork and Kerry your Hospital can be found here). Easy no? If you battled down to 60 Wellness like I said you should then you will now be at 100 Wellness.

Important! Now you are at 100 Wellness or thereabouts take this opportunity to work. You will be the most productive you have ever been at 100 Wellness. Meaning you will produce more goods and help the Irish Economy.

Now if you are a low budget soldier and used my tip earlier donate your weapons back to your citizen now. Cause we are going in again. Return to the fight page and fight down to 70 Wellness or thereabouts. After that you are finished for the day. You can battle again tomorrow as you can use the Hospital once per day not per battle.


Now you know how to fight effectively and on a shoe string budget. You maybe asking what are these Ranks about? Well being higher Ranks will mean you do more damage. Here is a list of the ranks:

Private: You start with this rank. It gives a 20% damage bonus.

Corporal: Once you have done 250 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 40% damage bonus.

Sergeant: Once you have done 750 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 60% damage bonus.

Lieutenant: Once you have done 1500 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 80% damage bonus.

Captain: Once you have done 4500 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 100% damage bonus.

Colonel: Once you have done 9000 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 120% damage bonus.

General: Once you have done 25000 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 140% damage bonus.

Field Marshall: Once you have done 75000 Damage overall on the battlefield you gain this rank. It gives a 160% damage bonus.

So the more you fight the more damage you will do. Think of it as combat experience you can’t learn just by training everyday.

You are now ready to fight for your country. Make your nation proud soldiers of Ireland. I’ll see you on the field in the coming days. As soon as Congress and the new President give the go ahead.

Éire go bráth

- Vyse