Irish Army becomes Clerics Academy

Day 2,855, 02:28 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Here is Krakken as 2nd Commander and Shytach agree'ng to this historic deal.

Irish Army members will now be known as mini Clerics and will wear the mini cloth:

Here is Seanan upon hearing the glorious news.

To celebrate we play 4 songs from collect tin Krakken for enjoy mints of masses.

[COLLECT TIN is also called purple endorse button in case of confuse mints]

Môregloed - Van Coke Cartel

Bittereinder - Kulkuns

Bittereinder - Kwaad Naas

and finally


Iris - Googoo Dolls

Also ex cro magnon member found in dinaledi cave

Scientist could not determine what it was saying something like MUst C or Mug C Or Muf Cee.

Apparently he was bought on croatian online husband site eRepublik and thrown away when he disappointed. His wife was last heard to say huh uh eish Noooo Noooo is not good husband aye bona I wasted my 50 dollar.